Correction: Final result of share issue with subscription rights

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Reference is made to the stock exchange notification dated 17 June 2009 regarding the final result of the share issue with subscription rights (“Rights Offering”) in Codfarmers ASA (“Codfarmers” or the “Company”). Due to that it has been received invalid subscriptions for 5,127 shares, the following corrections shall apply with respect to the information provided in the above-mentioned stock exchange notification: Upon expiration of the subscription period, subscriptions for a total of 72,920 new shares had been received. Based on the allocation criteria set out in the prospectus dated 30 July 2009 a total of 72,920 new shares have been allotted. Through the Rights Offering, Codfarmers will receive proceeds of NOK 291,680 before deduction of transactions costs. As a consequence of the Rights Offering the Company’s share capital will be increased with NOK 7,292 by issue of 72,920 new shares. Following the registration of the capital increase in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises, the Company’s share capital will be NOK 4,267,723.60, divided on 42,677,236 shares, each with a par value of NOK 0.10. This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-2 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. Oslo, 17 August 2009 Codfarmers ASA For further information, please contact: Michael Malling CEO, tlf. +47 22 40 33 94