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As reported in the Company`s notification on 13
October 2006, the Board of Directors in
Codfarmers ASA has resolved to increase the share
capital by the issuance of 4,500,000 new shares.
The share capital increase has been registered in
the Register for Business Enterprises
(Foretaksregisteret). The new share capital of
Codfarmers ASA is NOK 1,538,925 divided into
15,389,250 shares, each with a nominal value of
NOK 0.10.As reported in the Company`s notification on 13
October 2006, the Board of Directors in
Codfarmers ASA has resolved to increase the share
capital by the issuance of 4,500,000 new shares.
The share capital increase has been registered in
the Register for Business Enterprises
(Foretaksregisteret). The new share capital of
Codfarmers ASA is NOK 1,538,925 divided into
15,389,250 shares, each with a nominal value of
NOK 0.10.

Oslo Børs has received the certificate of registration.

The new shares will be transferred to the
investors who were allotted shares in the
offering. The transfer will take place against
payment for the shares. The payment date is 18
October 2006.

ABOUT CODFARMERS: Codfarmers is one of the
leading developers in the new industry of cod
farming. Codfarmers is among the companies with
the largest licensed production capacity in the
industry. At full utilization, Codfarmers
estimates a production capacity within its
existing licenses of approximately 20,000 tons of
cod at it`s two clusters in Northern Norway.