Communication from Collector’s Annual General Meeting of 25 April 2019
Gothenburg, Sweden – Collector AB (publ) (Nasdaq Stockholm: COLL). Collector’s Annual General Meeting was held on 25 April 2019 in Gothenburg, Sweden. Summarized below are the most important decisions from the Meeting.
Adoption of balance sheet and income statement
The Meeting adopted the balance sheet and income statement for the Parent Company and the Group for the 2018 financial year.
Appropriations of the company’s profit
The Annual General Meeting resolved that the unappropriated earnings at the Meeting’s disposal of SEK 1,199,147,638 be appropriated such that SEK 1,199,147,638 be carried forward, meaning that no dividend is paid.
Board of Directors and auditors
In accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, the Annual General Meeting resolved to re-elect Lena Apler, Erik Selin and Christoffer Lundström, and to newly elect Anna Kinberg Batra and Charlotte Hybinette. Lena Apler was elected Chairman of the Board and Erik Selin was elected Vice Chairman. For a more detailed presentation of the Board members, please refer to
The Meeting elected Ernst & Young AB as auditor for the period up until the next Annual General Meeting.
In addition, the Annual General Meeting resolved that a fixed Board fee of SEK 720,000 be paid to the Chairman of the Board and SEK 360,000 to each of the other Board Members, that members of the Credit Committee shall, in addition to their ordinary Board fees, receive an additional fee of SEK 150,000 each, and that the members of the Risk and Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee respectively shall, in addition to their ordinary Board fees receive an additional fee of SEK 100,000 each per committee. The Annual General Meeting also resolved that fees to the auditor should be paid in accordance with an approved invoice.
Remuneration principles for senior executives
In accordance with the proposal by the Board of Directors, the Meeting resolved that remuneration to senior executives should consist of fixed salary, pension and other benefits. To avoid encouraging senior executives to take unsound risks, no form of variable compensation shall be payable.
Authorization for the Board to decide to issue new shares
The Annual General Meeting resolved to authorize the Board, for the period extending until the next Annual General Meeting at the latest, to issue new ordinary shares on one or more occasions, with or without deviation from shareholders’ preferential rights and against payment in cash, in kind or by set-off. The number of shares that may be issued may not exceed 10,269,051 shares, corresponding to a dilution effect of approximately 10.0 percent of the share capital and votes, based on the current number of shares in the company.
For further information:
Martin Nossman, CEO, by telephone on +46 70 703 719 84 43, e-mail at
Lena Apler, Chairman of the board, by telephone on +46 70 525 65 80, e-mail at
Collector is a leading digital niche bank that develops financial solutions for private and corporate customers. In the Retail segment, the Company is engaged in lending to private individuals, invoice and payments by instalments to e-commerce and retail companies, credit card services, financial apps and deposits. The Corporate segment includes payment solutions for e-commerce and stores, factoring and company credits, property finance, and debt collection on behalf of customers (assignment debt collection). The Group consists of the parent company Collector AB (publ), wholly owned subsidiary Collector Bank AB, where the main business is conducted, Colligent Inkasso AB and Colligent Inkasso AS with business services and debt collection, Collector Payments AB and Collector Payments Finland OY where parts of the payments business are conducted, and Collector Ventures with investments in Fintech. The company has offices in Gothenburg (head office), Stockholm, Helsinki, Turku and Oslo. Collector is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.
Collector AB (publ) 556560-0797 | P.O. Box 119 14, 404 39 Gothenburg, Sweden | Switchboard +46 10-161 00 00 | E-mail: |