Two College of American Patholgists Members Quoted in the Wall Street Journal

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Drs. Master and Hamill provide context about blood tests

Drs. Stephen Master and Timothy Hamill, both members of the College of American Pathologists, lended their expertise on blood tests to The Wall Street Journal for the March 28 story "Theranos Results Could Throw Off Medical Decisions, Study Finds."

Specifically that paper wrote:

"If Theranos diluted blood samples from patients in the Mount Sinai study, that might help explain the average difference in cholesterol-test results, because dilution introduces more potential for error, said Stephen Master, associate professor of pathology at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York."


"Timothy Hamill, professor emeritus at the University of California, San Francisco’s department of laboratory medicine, said Theranos’s results also might have been affected “by the differences between capillary and venous samples.” He said capillary blood pricked from a fingertip often mixes with fluids from tissue and cells, making it less pure than blood drawn from an arm vein."


