Combitech’s interim report for the first quarter 2018

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Technology consultancy Combitech, an independent subsidiary of defense and security company Saab AB, releases its interim report for January-March 2018 today. Combitech is reporting continuous strong results.

“We have yet another strong quarter behind us and has once again confirmed that our unique combination of digitalization and cyber security is entirely in line with market needs. With the positive trend, we see a continued need to recruit engineers in all our locations. Currently, we have about 40 vacancies”, said Hans Torin, CEO of Combitech.



Order intake
Order intake for the period was 536 MSEK, an increase by 2 percent compared to the first quarter 2017 (527 MSEK).

Sales Revenues
Sales revenues amounted to SEK 623 MSEK, an increase of 3 percent compared to the corresponding period in 2017 (607 MSEK).

Earnings and Margin
Operating profit (EBIT) was 57 MSEK, a decrease of 22 percent compared to the corresponding period in 2017 (73 MSEK). Operating margin was 9.1 percent, compared to 12.0 in 2017. The decrease is largely a result of this year’s Easter holidays partly taking place during the first quarter, resulting in greater vacation leave during this quarter compared to the corresponding period last year.

Operating Cash Flow
Operating cash flow increased to 69 MSEK, compared to 68 MSEK during the first quarter in 2017.

Number of Employees
The number of employees is 1,881, the same as at the beginning of the year.

For further information
Åsa Scherling, Head of Communications, Combitech
Phone: +46 734 18 77 98, email:

Ann-Sofi Jönsson, IR Manager, Saab AB
Phone: +46 8 463 02 14, email: 

About Combitech
Combitech is a Nordic technology consulting company with closer to 1,900 employees in Sweden, Norway and Finland, with special focus on digitalization and cyber security. The company is an independent company within the defence and security group Saab AB.

