Componenta comparison data for 2005

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Componenta Corporation Stock Exchange Announcement 30.3.2006 at 15.00

Componenta comparison data for 2005

Componenta's organizational structure was changed on 1 November 
2005 and the Group's production units were organized into three
production divisions, namely Foundries, Machine Shops and Heavy
Components. Together they form the Cast Components business segment,
which does not include the associated companies, the Wirsbo forges,
real estate companies and the Group's administrative functions.

The reporting for 2006 includes additional information with the net
sales and operating profit figures for Foundries, Machine Shops and
Heavy Components production divisions. This release contains the
comparison data for 2005 based on these divisions.

Group development

Sales by market area

MEUR                    Q1/2005    Q2/2005   Q3/2005    Q4/2005  1.1.-31.12.2005
Nordic countries           47.5       49.4      34.7       44.3            175.9
Other European
countries                  40.4       39.7      32.2       34.6            146.8
Other countries             5.3        6.3       5.5        3.5             20.5
Total                      93.2       95.3      72.4       82.3            343.2

Group development by quarter

MEUR                    Q1/2005    Q2/2005   Q3/2005    Q4/2005  1.1.-31.12.2005
Net sales                  93.2       95.3      72.4       82.3            343.2
Operating profit            3.9        8.6      -1.9       -0.7              9.9
Net financial items        -2.1       -2.2      -2.3       -2.3             -8.9
Profit/loss after
financial items             1.8        6.4      -4.2       -3.0              1.0

Development by business group

Net sales, MEUR         Q1/2005    Q2/2005   Q3/2005    Q4/2005  1.1.-31.12.2005
Foundries                  45.0       47.0      36.1       39.2            167.5
Machine shops              36.8       37.5      28.6       33.3            136.2
Heavy components           10.5       13.6      11.2       12.1             47.3
Internal sales            -13.7      -16.4     -12.4      -13.2            -55.6
Cast Components
total                      78.6       81.7      63.5       71.5            295.4
Other business             14.6       13.6       8.9       10.8             47.8
Componenta total           93.2       95.3      72.4       82.3            343.2

Operating profit,
MEUR                    Q1/2005    Q2/2005   Q3/2005    Q4/2005  1.1.-31.12.2005
Foundries                   1.5        2.0      -0.9       -0.2              2.4
Machine shops               1.8        1.6       0.4        1.5              5.4
Heavy components           -0.9        0.1      -1.1       -0.9             -2.8
Other items                -0.1        0.2       0.0       -0.6             -0.5
Cast Components
total                       2.3        4.0      -1.5       -0.2              4.5
Other business              1.6        4.6      -0.4       -0.5              5.4
Componenta total            3.9        8.6      -1.9       -0.7              9.9

Order book at period end,
MEUR                               Q1/2005     Q2/2005     Q3/2005       Q4/2005
Cast Components total                 55.2        55.1        49.2          54.1
Other business                         8.6         7.4         6.4           6.3
Componenta total                      63.8        62.4        55.6          60.4

Group development excluding one-time items
MEUR                     Q1/2005   Q2/2005   Q3/2005    Q4/2005  1.1.-31.12.2005
Net sales                   93.2      95.3      72.4       82.3            343.2
Operating profit             3.8       4.7      -1.6       -0.3              6.6
Net financial items         -2.1      -2.2      -2.3       -2.3             -8.9
Profit/loss after
financial items              1.7       2.5      -4.0       -2.6             -2.4

Development by business group excluding one-time items

Operating profit, MEUR   Q1/2005   Q2/2005   Q3/2005    Q4/2005  1.1.-31.12.2005
Foundries                    1.5       2.0      -0.9       -0.2              2.4
Machine shops                1.8       1.6       0.4        1.5              5.4
Heavy components            -0.9       0.1      -1.1       -0.9             -2.8
Other items                 -0.1       0.2       0.0       -0.6             -0.5
Cast Components total        2.3       4.0      -1.5       -0.2              4.5
Other business               1.5       0.7      -0.1       -0.1              2.1
Componenta total             3.8       4.7      -1.6       -0.3              6.6

Helsinki, 30 March 2006


Heikki Lehtonen
President and CEO

Further information:

Heikki Lehtonen                 Kimmo Virtanen
President and CEO               CFO
tel. +358 10 403 00             tel +358 10 403 00