Componenta publishes the key figures of the interim report of the turkish foundry company Döktas

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Componenta Corporation  Stock Exchange Release  14.11.2006 at 13.15

Componenta publishes the key figures of the interim report of the turkish
foundry company Döktas

Componenta signed in October 2006 an agreement to acquire 55% of the
shares and votes of Döktas Dökümcülük Sanayi ve Ticaret  A.S., an iron
and aluminium casting component manufacturer. Döktas is a leading metal
casting company in Turkey with net sales of EUR 209 million in 2005. The
company employs some 2,500 people (incl. indirect employees). Döktas
shares and votes are publicly traded on the Istanbul Stock Exchange.
Döktas released its interim report 1 Jan - 30 Sep 2006 on 14 November 2006. 
Below are the key figures of the interim report and the
corresponding combined pro forma figures of Componenta and Döktas.

Döktas income statement 2003, 2004 and 2005, 1-9/2006 and 1-9/2005

MEUR                         1-9/2006  1-9/2005  1-12/2005  1-12/2004  1-12/2003
NET SALES                       171.8     153.8      208.9      204.3      170.9
Cost of goods sold             -135.4    -133.5     -181.2     -170.8     -145.6
GROSS PROFIT                     36.4      20.3       27.7       33.5       25.3
% of net sales                   21.2      13.2       13.3       16.4       14.8
Operating expenses              -18.9     -17.3      -22.7      -23.3      -20.5
OPERATING PROFIT                 17.6       3.0        5.0       10.2        4.8
% of net sales                   10.2       2.0        2.4        5.0        2.8
Other operating income            0.4       0.8        0.3        0.0        6.2
Financial income and expenses    -0.1      -1.5       -1.7       -0.9       -0.1
Share of the associated
 companies' result                0.3       0.3        0.2        0.3       -0.1
RESULT AFTER FINANCIAL ITEMS     18.1       2.6        3.8        9.5       10.8
Income taxes                     -5.3      -0.1        0.0       -3.2        0.1
PROFIT AFTER TAXES               12.8       2.4        3.8        6.3       10.9
% of net sales                    7.5       1.6        1.8        3.1        6.4
Monetary gain/loss                  -         -          -        1.1        2.2
NET PROFIT                       12.8       2.4        3.8        7.5       13.1
% of net sales                    7.5       1.6        1.8        3.6        7.7
Depreciation, amortization
 and write-down of non-
 current assets                   4.5       9.2       12.7       11.1       11.4
EBITDA                           22.0      12.2       17.7       21.2       16.2
% of net sales                   12.8       7.9        8.5       10.4        9.5

Döktas balance sheet 31.12.2004, 31.12.2005 and 30.6.2006

MEUR                               30.9.2006  31.12.2005  31.12.2004  31.12.2003
Financial assets held for sale          23.6        26.7        16.4        18.0
Tangible assets                         51.7        58.7        54.3        58.5
Intangible assets                        0.1         0.1         0.1         0.2
Deferred tax receivables                 0.0         0.0         0.0         0.9
TOTAL NON CURRENT ASSETS                75.4        85.6        70.9        77.5
Cash and cash equivalents                8.0         0.9         3.1         2.2
Trade receivables                       43.4        36.6        34.5        24.9
Receivables due from related parties    16.0        17.0        10.6         8.4
Inventories                             26.2        22.1        24.2        17.8
Other short term receivables             1.3         1.8         2.5         1.5
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                    94.9        78.4        74.8        54.8
TOTAL ASSETS                           170.4       163.9       145.7       132.3
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                    96.3       102.7        87.4        84.5
Provisions                               4.2         4.3         3.4         3.2
Deferred tax liabilites                  1.6         0.2         0.6            
TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES            5.9         4.6         4.1         3.2
Interest-bearing liabilites             40.7        30.4        25.0        11.9
Interest-bearing liabilites due
 to related parties                      6.2         8.0         6.8         7.0
Trade payables                          11.5        11.9        14.0        10.5
Non Interest-bearing liabilites
 due to related parties                  2.6         2.6         4.4        11.8
Advances received                        0.1         0.2         0.2           0
Provisions                               1.1         0.1           0           0
Other non-interest bearing
payables                                 6.1         3.3         3.8         3.3
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES               68.2        56.7        54.3        44.6
TOTAL LIABILITES                        74,0        61.2        58.3        47.8
 LIABILITIES                           170.4       163.9       145.7       132.3
Exchage rates TRY/EUR                1.9112      1.5888      1.8278      1.7367

Combined pro forma income statement 1-9/2006, 1-9/2005 and 112/2005

MEUR                                             1-9/2006    1-9/2005  1-12/2005
NET SALES                                           438.4       414.7      552.1
OPERATING PROFIT                                     28.9  (1   '14.7   (2 '15.4
% of net sales                                        6.6         3.5        2.8
Financial income and expenses                       -10.6       -11.5      -15.2
RESULT AFTER FINANCIAL ITEMS                         18.2         3.1        0.2
Income taxes                                         -5.2         2.1        2.4
NET PROFIT                                           13.0         5.2        2.6
% of net sales                                        3.0         1.3        0.5
Allocation of net profit for the period
 To equity holders of the parent                      7.2         4.4        1.2
 To minority interest                                 5.8         0.8        1.4
                                                     13.0         5.2        2.6
Earnings per share calculated on the profit
 attributable to equity holders of the
 parent, EUR                                         0.74        0.46       0.13
Number of shares                                9,687,710   9,625,309  9,628,709
Depreciation, amortization and write-down
 of non-current assets                               17.4        17.2       24.6
EBITDA                                               46.3        31.8       40.0
% of net sales                                       10.6         7.7        7.2

(1 Includes amortization of negative goodwill MEUR 4.3
(2 Includes amortization of negative goodwill MEUR 4.6

Combined pro forma balance sheet 30.9.2006

MEUR                                                                   30.9.2006
Tangible assets                                                            212.0
Investment in properties                                                     1.9
Goodwill                                                                    38.5
Intangible assets                                                            2.0
Shares in associated companies                                               7.4
Receivables                                                                  0.5
Financial assets                                                             0.5
Deferred tax assets                                                          8.1
Financial assets held for sale                                              23.6
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                   294.6
Inventories                                                                 66.1
Receivables due from related parties                                        16.0
Receivables                                                                 87.0
Cash and cash equivalents                                                   18.1
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                                       187.3
TOTAL ASSETS                                                               481.8
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent                         54.4
Minority interest                                                           43.5
Shareholders' equity                                                        97.9
Capital loan                                                                51.3
Interest-bearing                                                            56.6
Non-interest bearing                                                         0.1
Provisions                                                                   4.7
Deferred tax liabilities                                                     2.3
TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITES                                               115.0
Capital loan                                                                 2.9
Interest-bearing                                                           170.5
Non-interest bearing                                                        94.0
Provisions                                                                   1.6
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                  269.0
TOTAL LIABILITES                                                           383.9
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                 481.8
Equity ratio %                                                              20.3
Equity ratio %, preferred capital note in equity                            31.6
Net debt, preferred capital note in debt                                   263.2
Net debt, preferred  capital note in equity                                208.9
Net gearing %, preferred capital note in debt                              268.8
Net gearing %, preferred capital note in equity                            137.3

Döktas has two main business units manufacturing iron cast components in
Orhangazi and aluminium components in Manisa. The company is focused on
customers in the heavy truck, off-road, machine building and car
industry. The share of export sales amounted to 60% of the total net
sales in 2005 and the main export market for Döktas is Western Europe.

Componenta and Döktas together will form the second largest independent
European supplier of casting  components and advanced solutions. The
combined net sales of the companies in 2005 were EUR 552 million and the
amount of personnel is approximately 5,000 (incl. indirect employees).

The completion of the acquisition is subject to the approvals of German
and Turkish competition authorities, and it is expected to occur by mid-
December at the latest.

Helsinki, 14 November 2006


Heikki Lehtonen
President and CEO

Further information: Heikki Lehtonen, President and CEO, tel. +358 10 403 00