Componenta sells shares in Profiz Business Solution

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Componenta Corporation     Stock Exchange Release  30.3.2005 at 14.00

Componenta sells shares in Profiz Business Solution

On 30 March 2005, Componenta sold its 26.4% holding in IT company Profiz
Business Solution Oyj to Skuutinliikki Oy for approximately EUR 0.4
million. The transaction will have a slightly positive impact on
Componenta's result for 2005.

In connection with the transaction, Componenta has signed an agreement
with Profiz Business Solution for IT services which is in force until the
end of 2007. Under the terms of the agreement, Profiz will be responsible
for maintaining the IT services of Componenta's business units in
Finland. This service agreement replaces previous agreements with Profiz.

In future, Profiz Business Solution Oyj will focus in its business on
supplying full-service business system packages and related added value
services and products to growing, mediumsize companies. The sale of
Profiz shares is in line with Componenta's strategy of divesting non-core

Helsinki, 30 March 2005


Heikki Lehtonen
President and CEO

Further information:

Heikki Lehtonen
President and CEO
tel. +358 9 225 021

Kimmo Virtanen
tel +358 9 225 021