Furnace accident at Karkkila foundry

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Componenta Corporation Stock Exchange Relese 20.9.2006 11:20

Furnace accident at Karkkila foundry

A furnace accident occurred late on Tuesday evening, 19  September  2006,  at  the
Karkkila foundry. Some 15 tonnes of molten iron spilled from the holding  furnace,
which keeps the molten iron hot, into the cooling tank beneath the furnace.

No one was injured or hurt in the accident. Molten iron is processed  continuously
at the foundry and precautions have been  taken  in  case  of  hazards.  Personnel
acted in accordance with the given guidelines and the fire brigade only needed  to
check that the situation was under control.

Production has restarted at the foundry.  Production  only  stopped  for  a  short
while, so the financial impact will also be minor.

Helsinki, 20 September 2006


Heikki Lehtonen
President and CEO


Olli Karhunen
Director, Foundries division
tel. +358 10 403 00

Juha Martikainen
Foundry director
tel. +358 10 403 00