Invitation to the Annual General Meeting

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Componenta Corporation  Stock Exchange Release  20.1.2006 at 11.00

Invitation to the Annual General Meeting

The shareholders of Componenta Corporation are invited to the Annual
General Meeting, which will be held on 
Wednesday, 8 February 2006 at 14.00 pm at the 
restaurant Papa Giovanni's Showroom, WTC Plaza, 
Keskuskatu 7, 2nd floor, 00100 Helsinki.


Matters to be handled by the Annual General Meeting pursuant to article
12 of the Articles of Association.

Proposal of the Board of Directors to authorize the Board of Directors to
decide on acquiring company's own shares.

The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting would
authorize the Board of Directors to decide on acquiring the company's own
shares using distributable funds on the following conditions:

The Board of Directors may decide to acquire a maximum of 962,870
company's own shares, each with a nominal value of 2 euro, provided that
after the acquisition the aggregate number of own shares held by the
company, or the voting rights attached to the said shares do not exceed
ten (10) per cent of the company's share capital or of the voting rights
attached to all the shares.

Shares may be acquired in deviation from the shareholders' existing
holdings in public trading on the Helsinki Exchanges. Shares may be
acquired at the market price formed in the public trading at the time of

The shares may be acquired in order to strengthen the company's capital
structure, in order to finance acquisitions or other corporate
restructurings, for the purpose of disposing the shares or for annulment,
or for other purposes that the Board of Directors considers to be in the
interest of shareholders.

The authorization is in force for one year from the decision of the
Annual General Meeting.

Proposal of the Board of Directors to authorize the Board of Directors to
decide on disposing company's own shares.

The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting would
authorize the Board of Directors to decide on disposing the company's own
shares using distributable funds on the following conditions:

The Board of Directors may decide to dispose a maximum of 962 870 own
shares acquired by the company.

The Board of Directors is authorized to decide to whom and in what order
the company's own shares shall be disposed and may dispose the shares in
deviation from the proportion of the shareholders' existing holdings.
However, the shares may not be disposed to the benefit of a company

The shares may be disposed at a value to be decided by the Board of
Directors and may be paid for otherwise than in cash. The shares may be
disposed in order to finance or carry out acquisitions or other corporate
restructurings, or as part of an incentive scheme for key personnel. The
shares may also be sold in public trading.

The authorization is in force for one year from the decision of the
Annual General Meeting.

Shareholders who are registered as shareholders in the company's
shareholder register no later than 27 January 2006 or who are entitled to
attend to the meeting in accordance with chapter 3a, section 4, paragraph 2 
of the Companies Act have the right to attend the meeting.

Shareholders wishing to attend the Annual General Meeting shall inform
the company thereof no later than 1 February 2006, by letter to
Componenta Corporation, Nuijamiestentie 3 C, 00400 Helsinki, Finland, or
by telephone +358 010 403 2701 or fax +358 010 403 2721 or by e-mail The letter or message informing the
company must arrive before the end of the period for registration. Any
powers of attorney are requested to be sent in connection with the
registration of attendance.

Documents relating to the financial statements and other documents
specified in the Companies Act will be available for review by the
shareholders from 1 February 2006 onwards at the company's head office at
Nuijamiestentie 3 C, 00400 Helsinki. The documents will also be on
display at the Annual General Meeting. Copies of the aforementioned
documents will be sent to shareholders on request.

Dividend for 2005

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that no
dividend be paid for 2005.

Election of the members of the Board of Directors and auditor

Shareholders representing more than 10 percent of all the votes in the
company have informed that they will propose to the Annual General
Meeting of Componenta Corporation convening 8 February 2006 that the
present members of the Board of Directors and the present auditor are 
re-elected for the next term of office. The present members of the Board of
Directors and the present auditor have given their consents to the 

Helsinki 20 January 2006

Board of Directors

Heikki Lehtonen
President and CEO

Further information:

Heikki Lehtonen         
President and CEO               
tel. +358 10 403 00             

Kimmo Virtanen
tel +358 10 403 00