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Swedish research and technology easily end up outside the country's borders. Through the acquisition of MagComp AB's unique and patented inductor technology Magchoke, Comsys AB ensures that the technology is protected and developed further.

When MagComp, a Swedish company with roots in Lund University, decided to sell the part of the company that focuses on inductors, Comsys made sure to win the negotiations.

- With the acquisition of MagComp's inductor operations, we ensure that Swedish research, technology and expertise stay in the country. We also secure a key component in our existing products, at the same time we gain access to resources to further develop the technology, says Marcus Löfgren, CEO of Comsys.

The patented technology MagChoke® is about replacing the conventional magnetic core with inductors with metal powders that are mixed in epoxy and then moulded around the coils, giving unique properties at the same time as the manufacturing cost is lower.

The power electronics company Comsys, with the product ADF Power Tuning, has a solution that delivers the right power quality to industrial customers all over the world. An important ingredient in the ADF is precisely inductors, which act as "shock absorbers" for quick changes in the electric current.

Today's society is becoming increasingly dependent on electronic equipment, while the quality of the electricity network is falling and the vulnerability is increasing, component damage, disruptions and long power outages are becoming increasingly common.

- The increasing use of electricity also creates a risk for energy shortages and an infrastructure that is not related to the rapid development. When, for example, a car or bus is to be charged in a very short time, parts of the electricity grid do not cope with the load, but there the ADF helps the technology and relieves the process. 
The need for energy storage and micro networks increases and the inductor technology in MagChoke® will continue to be important building blocks in our products in these areas, continues Marcus Löfgren.

Manufacturing and personnel are transferred to Tramo ETV in Eslöv, a well-reputed company that for more than 30 years has built up a solid experience through the manufacture of just inductive components.

Rickard Jacobson, CEO
+46 704 99 99 34

Comsys AB, a cleantech company based in Lund Sweden, develops digital energy control methods and products to optimize and improve energy flow in a wide variety of applications and help customers to meet increasingly challenging demands set by standards and utility companies. Our technologies provide robust solutions for both grid operators and applications within industrial automation, building automation, data centers and the marine sector, to name just a few. They are also being increasingly used in electricity production and energy storage, primarily from solar and wind, in order to meet the constantly growing demands by grid operator owners around the world. 



