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  • Sveriges Television (SVT) extends its agreement with ConNova TVX AB regarding subscriber management for the SVT Europe c

Sveriges Television (SVT) extends its agreement with ConNova TVX AB regarding subscriber management for the SVT Europe c

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Sveriges Television (SVT) extends its agreement with ConNova TVX AB regarding subscriber management for the SVT Europe channel Motala, Sweden, 22 may 2001 ConNova TVX AB and Sveriges Television have just prolonged their agreement regarding support and subscriber management for SVT's overseas channel SVT Europe. Ever since SVT Europe first started broadcasting in December 1997, ConNova TVX has been responsible for information and subscriptions, as well as for providing programme cards and support to the channel's subscribers. The new agreement entails an extension by SVT of ConNova TVX's assignment until 31 August 2004. "Ever since 1997, when we first chose ConNova TVX to handle our customer service, our collaboration has been exceptional. Our subscribers are extremely satisfied with the information and technical support they receive from TVX," says Riffa Hänninen, head of SVT Europa. "That is why it is a natural step for us to continue with our working partnership now that we need a new agreement to cover our extended broadcasts to hotels." Continues Riffa Hänninen. About SVT Europe SVT Europe broadcasts Swedish-produced programmes from SVT1, SVT2 and SVT24. The channel broadcasts around the clock and its programmes are shown at the same time as in Sweden, with a few minor exceptions. Subscribers also have access to SVT Text and Sveriges Radio's overseas channel Radio Sweden. A new feature this year is that hotels can now also subscribe to SVT Europe. About ConNova TVX AB ConNova TVX AB has handled assignments for international pay-TV channels since 1992. It is a pan-European customer service providing turnkey solutions for the distribution of various pay-TV channels. Outside the TV segment, ConNova TVX AB currently also operates in the e-commerce and publishing segments. ConNova TVX AB performs all types of services that are included among the tasks of a "contact centre". ConNova TVX AB is a wholly owned subsidiary of ConNova Group AB (publ) which has been listed on the O list of the Stockholm Stock Exchange since 1997. For futher information, please contact: Ann-Sofie Rehnström, MD, ConNova TVX Tel.: +46 141 20 39 02, +46 706 00 52 65 Riffa Hänninen, head of SVT Europe Tel.: +46 8 784 25 01, +46 708 99 91 98 ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by BIT http://www.bit.se The following files are available for download: http://www.bit.se/bitonline/2001/05/22/20010522BIT00890/bit0001.doc http://www.bit.se/bitonline/2001/05/22/20010522BIT00890/bit0002.pdf