Changes to Coor’s management
Mikael Stöhr is resigning as CEO and President for a new role outside Coor.
Mikael Stöhr has been CEO and President of Coor since 2013, and is now resigning from this position at his own request. Mikael Stöhr will be leaving Coor in the second half of 2020.
“I would like to thank Mikael for his valuable contribution as CEO and President of Coor. His passion and strong commitment has been important to Coor’s development over the last seven years,” commented Mats Granryd, Chairman of Coor.
“It’s been incredible to lead Coor during this eventful period. Coor has stable management and the company is in good shape, with a strong business model, all of which creates favorable prospects for the company. It’s time for me to face new challenges, even if it wasn’t an easy decision,” commented Mikael Stöhr, departing CEO and President of Coor.
Recruitment of Mikael Stöhr’s successor has begun.
The information is disclosed pursuant to the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication on 3 May, 2020 at 4.30 p.m. CEST.
For more information, images etc. please visit or contact:
Mats Granryd, Chairman, Coor, tel +44 75 40 15 88 88
Mikael Stöhr, departing President and CEO, Coor , +46 10 559 59 35
Magdalena Öhrn, Communications Director, Coor, +46 10 559 55 19,
Coor is a leading provider of facility management services in the Nordic countries, focusing on integrated and complex service undertakings (IFM). Coor offers specialist expertise in workplace services, property services and strategic advisory services for development of customers’ service activities. Coor creates value by executing, leading, developing and streamlining its customers’ service activities, ensuring that they provide optimal support to the core business over time. Coor’s customer base includes many large and small companies and public-sector organisations across the Nordic region, including ABB, AB Volvo, Aibel, Det Norske Veritas, E.ON, Ericsson, Equinor, EY, NCC, Politiet (Danish police), Saab, Sandvik, SAS, Telia Company, the Swedish Transport Administration, Vasakronan and Volvo Cars.
Established in 1998, Coor has been listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm exchange since June 2015. Coor takes responsibility for the operations it conducts, in relation to its customers, employees and shareholders, as well as for its wider impact on society and the environment. Read more at