Press invitation - Inauguration of the 'ecotorpedo' in Malmö's oil port

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Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP) is the first port in the world to use unique technology to limit oil spills – an automatic boom that shuts off the dock and protects the water and surrounding shoreline.

The technology is called Autonomous Surface Vessel (ASV). It is an electrically powered 'torpedo' that is fired out into the water, pulls a boom with it and is then locked to one of the docking stations around the dock. Time is always of the essence when an oil spill occurs. The ASV 'ecotorpedo' can be used to seal the oil port in Malmö in just 5-6 minutes.

The technology was developed by the Göteborg company SP Marine in partnership with CMP. The 'torpedo' can be programmed via GPS and follow a fixed course or be steered via a wireless transmitter. The investment is part of CMP's work on the environment and social responsibility. This work aims to guarantee a cleaner marine environment and safer life at sea, in the sea and by the sea.

Date:    Thursday, 13 October

Time:    11.00

Place:   Utögatan 8, Swede Harbour in Malmö

Action:  The torpedo will be test-fired by Kjell-Arne Landgren, chair of Räddningstjänsten Syd.

CMP will offer light refreshments at the inauguration.

Press accreditation is compulsory. Please register on 11 October at the latest with Press Officer Christina Malmberg via email or mobile 0709-530595. 



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