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-- Following Extensive Undercover Investigation, International Animal Rights Organization Calls for Passage of Senator Wilfred Moore's Bill S-203

Ending the Captivity of Whales and Dolphins Act --

January 26, 2016, Toronto, CANADA – The international nonprofit Last Chance For Animals (“LCA”)released video today from a 2015 undercover investigation that exposes the inadequate treatment, housing and care of marine mammals at Marineland, the world's largest confiner of beluga whales.

Over a five-month period, LCA shot hidden-camera footage at Marineland, a theme park in Niagara Falls, Ontario that documents the facilities’ insufficient care and inhumane treatment of whales,including:

  • Belugas suffering for months from an undiagnosed condition reported by employees to park management as “genital rubbing” which caused the whales to rub themselves constantly against the concrete pool floor until blood was visible in the water.
  • A beluga calf suffering from a torn fluke was left untreated for two days, then was only seen by a local small animal vet.
  • A juvenile beluga named Gia, who was accidentally separated from her mother then left in a shallow isolation pool for three months where she became emaciated.
  • Belugas, including newborn calves, covered in “rake marks”, visible scarring from being attacked and bitten by other dominant whales while in a confined pool.
  • Barrels of industrial strength bleach adjacent to the water treatment building; staff and park guests complained of burning eyes and a chlorine smell on certain days when next to the pools.

To view the undercover video footage from the investigation, visit or

Marineland confines 46 beluga whales in concrete pools allowing them to breed indiscriminately. During LCA's investigation, five calves were born and one died. The park also houses “Kiska”, a lone orca who LCA documented spending most of her time swimming in circles in her small pool.

After completing the investigation, LCA submitted a complaint to the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals alleging violations of the OSPCA Act. The complaint details Marineland's care of whales that falls below prescribed standards in medical treatment, food, protection from elements, water quality and psychological well being.

“In addition to the clear violations of any North American welfare standards for captive cetaceans, there is the very troubling matter of neglect and lack of expertise on the part of the care staff,” said renowned marine mammal expert, Lori Marino, Ph.D. “These welfare issues make it abundantly clear that this facility is not capable of caring for beluga whales, that the whales are not thriving, and that any expert in marine mammal health would be severely concerned about their well-being.”

Senator Wilfred Moore's bill, the Ending the Captivity of Whales and Dolphins Act, which was re-introduced in December, would prevent future whales from being subjected to a life of confinement. “The inadequate care that our investigation uncovered at Marineland has gone unaddressed for too long,” said Adam Wilson, Director of Investigations for LCA. “The problems we uncovered with Marineland's treatment of its belugas demonstrates the need for swift passage of Bill S-203 which would ban the acquisition, confinement, breeding and sale of all whales.”

Last Chance for Animals (LCA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating animal exploitation through education, investigations, legislation, and public awareness campaigns. Since its formation in 1984, LCA has succeeded as one of the nation’s pioneer animal advocacy organizations. Working internationally, LCA’s Sam Simon Special Investigations Unit documents abuse in research labs, puppy mills, factory farms, and the entertainment industry, and works with prosecutors to enforce animal cruelty laws. LCA’s educational and public outreach programs have empowered the public to make positive changes for the animals in their own communities.

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Jane Sparango | | 310-275-3911

Nikki Pesusich | | 818-788-7650