Cover4Caravan’s new guest writer shows that caravanning is about fun and freedom – not wet weekends!

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Specialist caravan insurance broker Cover4Caravans are proud to announce that they have a new guest writer to entertain visitors to their website. Renowned caravan writer, caravan tester and all round caravanophile Andrew J. Ditton will be providing his monthly ‘take’ on the caravan world, which promises to be as diverse as discussing the latest innovations to his latest travels with his dog, Dougal.

Richard Burgess, Director at Cover4Caravans, says: “We are really pleased to have Andrew on the team – his fun and often unique way of looking at his caravan experiences will no doubt prove entertaining and informative reading for our customers.”

Andrew - who says he has been passionate about caravanning since he was “knee-high to a jockey wheel” adds: “A lot of people think that caravanning is boring or for older people, but this is not the case. I am living the dream, touring the country in my Airstream caravan, making the most of the outdoor life and enjoying the freedom that comes with caravanning. Hopefully, sharing my experiences will encourage more people to get out and about in a caravan!”

At 17 years old Andrew was towing his 1960’s Thomson caravan around the country, and was Honorary Secretary of the Thomson Owner’s Club by the age of 19. He then spent eight years as Chief Caravan Tester for Caravan Magazine.

Visit Cover4Caravans to view Andrew’s latest article, or call the Cover4Caravans team free on 0800 970 7172 for general caravan insurance information.


Richard Burgess, MCIM, Director at Cover4Caravans, telephone: 0845 863 9558, or email:

Andrew J Ditton, via his website at:

About Cover4Caravans:

With roots going back to 1946, our clients can benefit from 65 years’ of experience in the caravan insurance marketplace. We are independent intermediaries and act on behalf of our clients in arranging their caravan insurances. Our service includes advising clients on their insurance needs, arranging insurance cover with insurers to meet those requirements and help with any ongoing changes that have to be made to your caravan insurance policies.



A lot of people think that caravanning is boring or for older people, but this is not the case
Andrew Ditton, guest writer
We are really pleased to have Andrew on the team – his fun and often unique way of looking at his caravan experiences will no doubt prove entertaining and informative reading for our customers
Richard Burgess, Director at Cover4Caravans