Cover4Caravans says caravanners are not “coffin dodgers”

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This week’s episode of TV programme The Apprentice, set at the Motorhome and Caravan Show in Birmingham, has drawn angry comments from caravanners who were referred to as “old, old, old” and “coffin dodgers”*.

Richard Burgess from caravan insurance specialists says that social media such as Twitter went “into overdrive” as the candidates rolled out misconception after misconception about the average caravanner.

“It was quite infuriating to watch” says Richard. “The candidates were even told that the Retro-style caravan was specifically aimed at the 35-45 age group, but still the misconceptions continued”.

He adds “We recently carried out independent research** which showed that people in the 30-39 age band are the most prolific caravanners, compared to those in the 60+ age bracket (100% vs. 40%).

“It is shocking to see that the apprentices, even after having something explained to them about the industry, still reverted to stereotype. They really don't listen. I would have fired all of them!”

The caravan industry is worth over £60bn a year.


*Quotes from The Apprentice candidates Kurt and Alex as they arrived at the exhibition.

**Independent study carried out on behalf of by Usurv, March 2013


Richard Burgess, MCIM, Director at Cover4Caravans, telephone: 0845 863 9558, or email:

About Cover4Caravans:

With roots going back to 1946, our clients can benefit from 66 years’ of experience in the caravan insurance marketplace. We are independent intermediaries and act on behalf of our clients in arranging their caravan insurances. Our service includes advising clients on their insurance needs, arranging insurance cover with insurers to meet those requirements and help with any ongoing changes that have to be made to your caravan insurance policies.


Quick facts

The caravan industry is worth over £60bn a year
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We recently carried out research which showed that people in the 30-39 age band are the most prolific caravanners, compared to those in the 60+ age bracket
Richard Burgess, Cover4Caravans
social media such as Twitter went into overdrive as the candidates rolled out misconception after misconception about the average caravanner
Richard Burgess, Cover4Caravans