Press info: Caravan insurer provides choice to static home owners - the caravan insurance specialists – has revealed a worrying trend where static home owners are often forced in to buying caravan insurance that may not offer the most cost-effective or appropriate cover for them.
Richard Burgess, Director at Cover4Caravans comments: “This is all about the public liability element of static cover that site owners typically require each pitch to have.
“Until recently, many caravan owners believed they had to take the insurance arranged by the site. In most cases, however, as long as they can show the site operator that they have a minimum of £2m public liability cover, they are free to shop around for their own insurance, independently.
“Doing this means that static home owners have the ability to choose the cover they want and need - and typically get it at a more attractive price.
“We have, however, recently received a number of concerns from new and existing static caravan insurance owners who say that some site operators are now demanding that all independently sourced cover has a minimum £5m public liability.
“We believe this is an unfair practice and leaves the static home owners with little choice if they do wish to shop around for their own insurance. This is because £2m public liability cover has been the accepted limit for most static caravan insurance policies.
“At Cover4Caravans we have taken action against this unfair tactic and have negotiated with our panel of static caravan insurers to create policies that offer up to £5m public liability cover.
“This means that in most cases, static home owners can still shop around independently for their own cover, and not be forced to take the often expensive site owner arranged insurance.”
Richard Burgess, MCIM, ACIEH, Director at Cover4Caravans, telephone: 0845 863 9558 or email:
About Cover4Caravans:
With roots going back to 1946, our clients can benefit from 68 years’ of experience in the caravan insurance marketplace. We are independent intermediaries and act on behalf of our clients in arranging their caravan insurances. Our service includes advising clients on their insurance needs, arranging insurance cover with insurers to meet those requirements and help with any ongoing changes that have to be made to your caravan insurance policies.