Press info: Caravanning still a favourite way to holiday says caravan insurer
The latest research* from caravan insurance specialists has revealed that caravanning is still a firm favourite, with over three-quarters of Brits saying they have stayed in, or plan to stay in, a caravan within the coming year.
The study compared results to the same set of questions asked 18 months ago**, to see whether perceptions of caravanning, as well as destinations, have changed.
The survey showed:
- 72% have caravanned in the UK, while 18% have holidayed both in the UK and abroad;
- 18% of people have been to Europe in a caravan – this is almost double (9.8%) the amount since March 2013**;
- compared to 18 months ago, only 16% of people were worried about the cost of a caravan holiday (previously it was 24%);
- males favour caravanning more than their female counterparts (79% vs. 73%);
- the most prolific caravanners live in the North of England and Scotland.
The most common reason cited by 18% for not wanting to go on a caravan holiday was that the facilities are “too basic” compared to 49% in March 2013. 14% said that caravanning has a stigma attached to it (previously this was 8%).
*Independent research carried out on behalf of Cover4Caravans by Usurv, October 2014
**Independent research carried out on behalf of Cover4Caravans by Usurv, March 2013
Richard Burgess, MCIM, ACIEH, Director at Cover4Caravans, telephone: 0845 863 9558 or email:
About Cover4Caravans:
With roots going back to 1946, our clients can benefit from 68 years’ of experience in the caravan insurance marketplace. We are independent intermediaries and act on behalf of our clients in arranging their caravan insurances. Our service includes advising clients on their insurance needs, arranging insurance cover with insurers to meet those requirements and help with any ongoing changes that have to be made to your caravan insurance policies.