Wooden toys get the thumbs up this Christmas

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PRESS RELEASE For Immediate release 6th November 2009 Wooden toys get the thumbs up this Christmas Some of the major supermarkets seem to have finally realised that parents want ecologically sound traditional toys over cheap looking plastic toys. Recent statistics from John Lewis found that sales of wooden doll's houses are up 33 per cent over the last 12 months. The British public are choosing toys that will last over those that will quickly fall apart and need to be replaced. This saves further expense to parents and further cost to the environment. Ecological toy Supplier Sundae Spiers from www.whywoodworks.co.uk said “The supermarkets are realising that the general public want quality long lasting toys that their children can get years of enjoyment out of.” “By the very nature of wood, these toys are built to last and have a very low environmental impact. Its good to see that in the middle of a recession people are happy to pay for quality toys for their children as long as they are able to get real use out of them.” “The expected return to more traditional Christmas toys will be a nice change from flashing lights and chunks of plastic,” she adds. ENDS Editors Notes: Why Wood Works was launched in 2008 as a company specialising in eco friendly, wooden toys and furniture for children and babies. A company prepared to go the extra mile, to offer 'real' customer service and value for money. The company are based in Hampshire. Interviews/Further Information: To arrange an interview with Sundae Spiers call her on 01256 312728
