Croisette expands internationally

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In its five years of operation, Croisette Real Estate Partner has grown to over 50 employees, five business areas, five offices in Sweden – now the property advisor will expand internationally and open its first offices outside Sweden.

Croisette‘s expansive growth continues and in December 2020 the company will open its first offices abroad – in Iceland. Our first man on the ground is Styrmir Bjartur Karlsson, an Icelandic entrepreneur and broker living in Reykjavík. Styrmir who will be the managing director of the Icelandic subsidiary, has more than twenty years of international business experience, six of which in Sweden.

“We were truly fortunate to get acquainted with Styrmir who has proven to be the perfect fit for Croisette’s expansion abroad. Styrmir does not only have the perfect network in the Icelandic market, he does also match our corporate culture, our vision and our ideas of how to move forward. I feel very comfortable that the responsibility for Croisette’s success in Iceland is in Styrmir’s safe hands, he shares our level of ambition and our naïve view of what is possible”, says Per Svensson, founder and CEO of Croisette Real Estate Partner.

An unprioritized market with strong fundamentals
The launch of Croisette in Iceland is the first in a series of launches planned outside Sweden. Iceland is filled with opportunities for an innovative property advisor like Croisette. Not only is there a handful of listed property companies, but there are also no professional property advisors operating in the market, a vacuum that Croisette will now fill. Iceland is a modern economy with a strong population growth, a young and well-educated population and a high degree of digitalisation. Moreover, the country consistently ranks in the top regarding wealth and, above all, happiness and equality.

“Iceland is ripe for an international player to enter the market. The Icelandic property sector has evolved rapidly in the last decade with the rise in tourism and the country has immense opportunities when it comes to property development and transactions. We see Croisette coming into the Icelandic market as a great opportunity to help develop the market even further and opening Iceland even more for foreign direct property investments. I am truly honoured in joining the Croisette team and we are very excited for the future”, says Styrmir Bjartur Karlsson.

“In many ways, the situation has similarities to when we founded Croisette in Malmö, it is a sufficiently large market albeit unprioritized. To us, Iceland is a highly prioritised market and the future possibilities of finding synergies between our different markets are vast. The fact that Iceland and Sweden share the same fundamental values is also highly beneficial,” Per Svensson continues.

Fråga Lou AB has advised Croisette in its Icelandic venture.

A year of success for Croisette
2020 has been a remarkable year. In the wake of the ongoing pandemic, the world is in constant transformation and the future uncertain, which has demanded focused and quick adjustments to the current market situation. For Croisette, despite the pandemic, it has been an exciting and expansive year, beginning with the Rookie of the Year award at the Malmö Business Gala. A new business area, Digital Property Asset Management was launched and Croisette was a finalist in Årets Tillväxtentreprenör, an annual competition held by Tillväxt Malmö. In October, it was announced that Croisette is a gazelle company, exceedingly rare in the property industry.

Croisette’s first step into the international market proves that hard work pays off.  

About Croisette:
Croisette Real Estate Partner is the most expansive and innovative advisory in the Swedish property industry, and we represent the most progressive clients in the industry. Our dedicated team offers qualified and sustainable advisory in transactions, valuation and analysis, leasing, human capital and property asset management. With offices in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, Halmstad and Uppsala, Croisette covers the entire Swedish market.

About Styrmir Bjartur Karlsson:                                                                 
Styrmir Bjartur Karlsson 42 years old and has a bachelor’s degree in business from University of Reykjavik and a licensed real estate broker. Styrmir has over 20 years of experience in commercial real estate in both Iceland and Sweden, along with vast international retail experience when being a director with global brands in the outdoor and fashion industry.

This gives him a good understanding of the market from the retailer and landlord perspective, along with in-depth brand understanding. Styrmir has been working with tenant representation and property development with many famous international brands now for over 10 year in both Stockholm and Reykjavik. 

Per Svensson, CEO, Croisette Real Estate Partner
+46 (0) 766 27 27 72


Styrmir Bjartur Karlsson, CEO Iceland, Croisette Real Estate Partner
+354 899 9090

Croisette Real Estate Partner is the most expansive and innovative advisory in the Swedish property industry, and we represent the most progressive clients in the industry. Our dedicated team offers qualified and sustainable advisory in transactions, valuation and analysis, leasing, human capital and property asset management. With offices in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, Halmstad and Uppsala, Croisette covers the entire Swedish market and Reykjavik, Iceland.

