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Our Ref: COSEC/237/2003 November 14, 2002 Thro' FirstSight London Stock Exchange plc London EC2N 1HP U K Dear Sirs, INTIMATION - TRANSFER OF SHARES We have received a fax from Penbryn International Limited (as Acquirer) informing us of their acquisition of 72,00,000 equity shares of Rs.10/- each, representing 13.75% of the paid-up share capital of Crompton Greaves Ltd from our foreign Promoter, Crompton Parkinson Limited. In view of the above, we hereby notify you of the said acquisition, as required by Rule 23.61 of the UKLA Listing Rules (Annexure A). We would appreciate if you could please take the above on record in compliance with the Listing Rules. Thanking you Yours faithfully for Crompton Greaves Limited W HENRIQUES Company Secretary & Vice President - Human Resources Encl: (1) Disclosure under Rules 23.61 Copy to :(1) Penbryn International Limited Invensys House, Carlisle Place London SW1P 1BX, U K mrc:waymaker:cplacqn Annexure A Format for informing details of acquisition to Stock Exchanges by target company Name of Target company : CROMPTON GREAVES LIMITED Date of 14th November, 2002 reporting Name(s) of The Stock Exchange, Mumbai Stock Exchanges Calcutta Stock Exchange Association Ltd where shares of The Delhi Stock Exchange Association Ltd reporting company Madras Stock Exchange Ltd are listed. National Stock Exchange of India Ltd London Stock Exchange Details of acquisition as informed u/r 7(1) Name of Date Mode of No & % of Share Shareholdin Acquirer(s) of acquisition shares holding of g of Acqui (market /voting acquirers acquirer(s) sitio purchases/inte rights stated at stated at n/ rse acquired (a) before (a) after date transfer/publi acquisitio acquisition of c/ n (In terms recei rights/prefere (In terms of No. & % pt of ntial offer of No. & % of intim etc.) of shares/VRs) ation shares/VRs) of allot ment by acqui rer. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Penbryn 12th Acquisition of 72,00,000 NIL 72,00,000 International Novem shares from Equity Equity Limited ber, the ultimate Shares Shares 2002. holding amounting amounting company to 13.75% to 13.75% Crompton of the paid- of the paid- Parkinson up share up share Limited capital of capital of the Company the Company ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: