CTT Systems congratulates ANA on its first Boeing 787 Dreamliner flights

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Nyköping, Sweden, December 19, 2011, CTT Systems AB congratulates Japan’s ANA for being the first airline in the world to fly the all-new Boeing 787 Dreamliner. CTT Systems AB is a first-tier supplier for the all-new Boeing 787 Dreamliner, providing the Zonal Drying system.

Each 787 will have two Zonal Drying units installed as standard and, in addition, three humidifiers are optional - one for the flight deck and one each for the flight crew and flight attendants' crew rest areas. CTT has been working in close association with Boeing since 2005, when it was awarded the contract. CTT has also appointed Satair as its worldwide partner, covering spares provisioning and repair.

CTT Systems AB President Torbjörn Johansson, commented: “It is a great privilege to be working so closely with Boeing on the 787 Dreamliner. CTT is proud to be part of an airplane that features an unrivalled passenger experience and superior efficiency in terms of fuel consumption.”

“Zonal Drying” eliminates condensation within the aircraft's fuselage resulting in improved operational reliability and consistent insulation performance. Meanwhile, the optional humidifiers in the flight deck and crew rest increase humidity to around 20 percent.

In addition to the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, the Airbus A380 offers CTT's humidifiers as an option in crew rest compartments and, already, the 'Cair' system is in-service in the First Class cabins of Lufthansa’s A380s. CTT will also supply the 'Zonal Drying' and 'Cair' systems as options for the Airbus A350.

For additional information:

Torbjörn Johansson, President, CTT Systems AB.

Tel. +46-155-205901 alt. mobile. +46-70-665 24 46, or E-mail: torbjorn.johansson@ctt.se


Peter Landquist, VP Sales & Marketing CTT Systems AB

Tel. +46-155-205902 alt. mobile. +46-70-6652445, or E-mail peter.landquist@ctt.se

Also visit: www.ctt.se

CTTs products Zonal Drying ™, Cair ™, Flight Deck and Crew Humidifier are standard or optional equipment on Boeing B787, Airbus A350 and A380. CTT has today more than 400 systems installed in more than 30 airlines worldwide. CTT has now 17 years of operating experience on the Zonal Drying ™ system plus 11 years on Cair ™ and Crew Humidifier systems. IATAs report on fuel-saving measures is now including Zonal Drying ™ as one of the few available fuel-saving systems for retrofitting.

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