Custos has reduced its holding of AcandoFrontec shares
Custos has reduced its holding of AcandoFrontec shares Custos has divested 3,625,163 series B-shares in AcandoFrontec AB. Following the divestment Custos owns 8,479,740 series B-shares in the company, corresponding to 15.2 percent of the capital and 10.7 percent of the voting power. After full dilution Custos owns 14.2 percent of the capital and 10.1 percent of the voting power. Stockholm, May 27, 2004 AKTIEBOLAGET CUSTOS (publ) Mikael Nachemson Chief Executive Officer For further questions please contact Mr Nachemson (+46-8 -440 57 70) ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: