Bulletin from Cybercom’s 2011 AGM

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Cybercom Group AB (publ) held its AGM on Wednesday, 28 April 2011. The AGM appointed Jon Risfelt as new Board Chairman and resolved to distribute dividend of SEK 0.50 per share for 2010.

At the AGM, 63.95% of Cybercom's shares and votes were represented. The AGM participants resolved to follow the proposals prepared by the Board and Nomination Committee. All decisions were unanimous.

These items summarise the AGM resolutions.

Discharge from liability
The income statement and balance sheet for the parent company and Group were adopted, and the Board of Directors and CEO were discharged from liability for financial year 2010.

The AGM resolved that a dividend of SEK 0.50 per share shall be paid for financial year 2010, for a total of SEK 18 million in dividend. The proposed dividend corresponds to 42% of consolidated earnings after tax and 1.9% of consolidated equity. The record date to receive the dividend is Tuesday, 3 May 2011. Dividend is expected to be distributed under the direction of Euroclear Sweden AB on Friday, 6 May 2011.

Board election
Shareholders re-elected Hampus Ericsson, Thomas Landberg, Ulf Körner, Margareta Alestig Johnson, and Roger Bergqvist, and newly elected Jon Risfelt for the period up to the next AGM. Jon Risfelt was elected as board chairman. Cybercom’s website presents the board members. AGM participants resolved that remuneration of SEK 550,000 should be paid to the board chairperson, and that remuneration of SEK 200,000 should be paid to each of the other board members. Also, the AGM participants resolved that remuneration of SEK 75,000 should be paid to the chairman and SEK 50,000 to the other members of the audit committee. Remuneration to the company's auditor shall be paid as per approved invoices.

Guidelines for remuneration of senior executives
In brief, the AGM resolved that the Company shall offer a market-based total compensation package that enables the recruitment and retention of senior executives. Remuneration to senior executives consists of a fixed salary, variable pay, pension provisions, and other benefits such as car benefits. The variable pay is based on achieved operational objectives; the wide majority of which correspond to financial goals. The CEO’s variable pay shall not exceed 30% of the fixed salary. For other senior executives, variable pay may not exceed two monthly salaries.

Nomination committee
AGM participants appointed Hampus Ericsson and Erik Sjöström as representatives of Cybercom’s two largest shareholders (JCE Group AB and Skandia Liv), and John Örtengren, representative for minority shareholders. AGM participants also appointed Jon Risfelt, board chairman, as member and convener of the committee; Risfelt does not have voting rights. Unless Nomination Committee members agree otherwise, the chairman shall be the shareholder who represents the most votes.

The AGM minutes are published on Cybercom’s website, www.cybercom.com.

Cybercom is required to make this information public as per the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information was submitted for publication on 28 April at 17:15 pm.


For more information, please contact:
Jon Risfelt, board chairman, Cybercom Group +46 734 34 33 32
Kristina Lilja, general counsel and AGM secretary, Cybercom Group +46 702 23 89 46
Kristina Cato, communications director and IR manager, Cybercom Group +46 708 64 47 02


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