Bulletin from Cybercom’s 2012 AGM

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Cybercom Group AB (publ) held its AGM on Wednesday, 2 May 2012. The AGM appointed Jan-Erik Karlsson and Dag Sundman as new members of the board.

At the AGM, 61.86 % of Cybercom's shares and votes were represented. The AGM participants resolved to follow the proposals prepared by the Board and Nomination Committee. All decisions were unanimous.

These items summarize the AGM resolutions.

Income statement and balance sheet. The income statement and balance sheet for the parent company and Group were adopted.

Dividend. The AGM resolved that no dividend shall be paid for financial year 2011.

Discharge from liability. The Board of Directors and CEO were discharged from liability for financial year 2011.

Board election. Shareholders re-elected Hampus Ericsson, Thomas Landberg, and Margareta Alestig. Newly elected were Jan-Erik Karlsson and Dag Sundman. Jon Risfelt was re-elected as board chairman. The elections are for the period up to the next AGM. Cybercom’s website presents the board members. AGM participants resolved that board remuneration (excluding fees for committee work) be fixed at SEK 1,650,000 wherein remuneration to the chairman of the board of SEK 550,000 and remuneration to each of the other board members of SEK 200,000 plus SEK 100,000 in reserve to be used by the board for committee work or similar work (this means that fees are unchanged from 2011, with the addition of a reserve). Remuneration to the company's auditor is to be paid as per approved invoices. In addition, remuneration to the audit committee of SEK 75,000 to the chairman and SEK 50,000 to other members is fixed. Board members shall be entitled, within the framework of current tax legislation, to invoice their fees with additions made for social security expenses and VAT.

Guidelines for remuneration of senior executives. In brief, the AGM resolved that the Company shall offer a market-based total compensation package that enables the recruitment and retention of senior executives. Remuneration to senior executives consists of a fixed salary, variable pay, pension provisions, and other benefits such as car benefits.

Nomination committee. Newly elected were Ulf Gillberg (JCE Group AB), re-elected Mark H. Shay (Accendo Capital) and newly elected Evert Carlsson (Swedbank Robur Fonder) as representatives of the company’s three largest shareholders. Re-elected was John Örtengren, as representative for minority shareholders. AGM participants also appointed Jon Risfelt, board chairman, as member and convener of the committee; Risfelt does not have voting rights. Unless Nomination Committee members agree otherwise, the chairman shall be the shareholder who represents the most votes.

The AGM minutes are published on Cybercom’s website, www.cybercom.com.

Cybercom is required to make this information public as per the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information was submitted for publication on 2 May at 18:15 pm.

For further information, please contact:

Jon Risfelt, board chairman, Cybercom Group +46 734 34 33 32

Helena Borglund, general counsel and AGM secretary, Cybercom Group +46 709 412 204

Kristina Cato, communications director and IR manager, Cybercom Group +46 708 64 47 02

About Cybercom

Cybercom Group is a turn-key solution provider, offering end-to-end solutions in security, Internet services, connected devices and telecom management. As an established turn-key solution provider, through its extensive industry and operations experience, Cybercom delivers to customers in telecom, industry, automotive, media, retail, banking and finance and public sector, around the world. The group employs 1,600 people and runs projects worldwide. Cybercom has offices in nine countries. Cybercom was launched in 1995, and its share has been quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange since 1999. Find out more at www.cybercom.com.

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