Cybercom enters framework agreement with the Government Offices of Sweden

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Cybercom signed a two-year framework agreement with the Government Offices of Sweden for IT consulting services. The agreement has a two-year extension option.


The agreement supplies a portion of the Government Offices' needs for IT consulting services. The procured agreements can be used by the Government Offices, committees and commissions of inquiry appointed by the Government, and the ministries until 2012.

“We have a long history with several governmental agencies, and we’re very proud that the Government Offices are showing this confidence in us," says Patrik Boman, CEO of Cybercom Group.

Cybercom is one of just three suppliers that meet the Government Offices quality standards in the specific area of mixed competences.

“This frame agreement puts one more piece in the puzzle in our efforts to aid authorities in fulfilling their vision of e-government with the motto ‘as simple as possible for as many as possible’,” says Pär Abelson, public sector segment manager at Cybercom.






Find out more, contact:

Patrik Boman, CEO, Cybercom Group +46 73 983 89 79

Pär Abelson, public sector segment manager, Cybercom Group +46 73 520 00 25

Anna Trane, press and PR manager, Cybercom Group +46 708 84 74 69

About Cybercom

The Cybercom Group is a high-tech consultancy that offers global sourcing for end-to-end solutions. The Group established itself as a world-class supplier in these segments: security, portal solutions, mobile services, and embedded systems. Thanks to its extensive industry and operations experience, Cybercom offers strategic and technological expertise to these markets: telecom, industry, media, public sector, retail, and banking and financial services. The Group employs 1,800 persons and runs projects worldwide. Cybercom has 28 offices in 11 countries. Since 1999, Cybercom’s share has been quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange. The company was launched in 1995. Find out more at:

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