Cybercom gives new life to the Royal Armoury

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Cybercom gives new life to the websites of the Royal Armoury, Skokloster Castle, and the Hallwyl Museum. To meet a new generation of visitors, Cybercom is expanding the museum's digital channels with new, interactive web sites and increasing its social media presence.

"The new web sites developed by Cybercom will give our visitors a brand new experience, starting online," says Emma Reimfelt, web strategist at the Royal Armoury. "Visitors will be able to visit each room and investigate objects from the collection virtually."

Cybercom is developing the museums web sites (see,,, ) using Drupal and a focus on interactivity and participation. The intention is for teachers and school classes to be able to access the museum archives.

"Developing web sites for some of Sweden's most famous museums is an exciting challenge," says Adam Hassan, Cybercom account manager for the Royal Armoury. "Modern technology, interactive objects and other visual and graphic solutions will in the future allow the museums to make virtual exhibitions."

In conjunction with the new web sites, the Royal Armoury, Skokloster Castle and the Hallwyl Museum will launch an online searchable collection ( Visitors to the online database can browse and search information and images of more than 80,000 articles.

Museum visitors online will also be able to comment on, send questions and share information on the historically significant collections that include interiors and objects that are centuries old.

The new sites are being launched now in March. Cybercom develops the concept for the various web sites, develops the technologies for the sites, and integrates the web sites with social media channels.

To find out more, contact:

Adam Hassan, account manager, Cybercom +46 73 852 17 94

Emma Reimfelt, web strategist at the Royal Armoury +46 8 402 30 18

Anna Trane, Press & PR Manager, Cybercom Group +46 708 84 74 69

About Cybercom. The Cybercom Group is a high-tech IT consultancy that delivers globally for local and international business. The Group is an established supplier of telecom management, connected devices, internet services, and security. Cybercom has offices in 9 countries and operates projects worldwide. Launched in 1995, Cybercom’s share has been quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange since 1999. Find out more at

About the Royal Armoury and Skokloster Castle with the Hallwyl Museum Foundation.The National Authority for the Royal Armoury, Skokloster Castle and the Hallwyl museum (LSH) was founded 1 July 1978. The Authority is accountable to the Ministry of Culture and is headed by a Director General. The mission of LSH is to preserve our collections and contribute to a living and accessible cultural heritage that improves our understanding of both our present day and our origins. The museums base their work on a national cultural policy resolution enacted by the Swedish Parliament.

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