Cybercom issues offset of SEK 28 million

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As resolved by the board and authorised at the AGM on 28 April 2009, an offset issue of new shares for cash that deviates from preferential shareholder rights will be implemented to pay for acquisitions.

As stated in conjunction with publication of Cybercom’s prospectus on 28 May 2009, additional purchase prices are outstanding for Plenware Oy’s prior acquisition of NSD Consulting Oy and Comprog Oy. The board resolved to implement an offset that deviates from preferential shareholder rights as a way to make final payment of additional purchase prices of EUR 2 504 515 to the sellers of both of these companies. • Through the offset 1 669 123 new shares will be issued at an issue price of SEK 16.60 per share, which is the Cybercom share’s closing price on 17 July 2009. • The subscription period is 20-31 July 2009. • After implementation of the offset, Cybercom’s share capital will total 36 087 899 and the number of shares will be 36 087 899. • Together with the previous partial cashpayment of SEK 5.4 million against additional purchase prices, the SEK 27.7 million offset settles NSD Consulting’s and Comprog’s claims against Cybercom as per agreements between the parties. Stockholm, 20 July 2009 Cybercom Group Europe AB (publ.) The board Cybercom is required to make this information public as per the Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication on 20 July 2009 at 3.30 PM. Find out more, contact: Patrik Boman, president and CEO, Cybercom Group +46 73 983 89 79 Odd Bolin, CFO, Cybercom Group +46 70 428 31 73 Kristina Cato, communications director and IR manager, Cybercom Group +46 708 64 47 02

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