Cybercom joins PCI Security Standards Council Forensic Investigator Program

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Cybercom is approved to join a new Forensic Investigator program that simplifies for companies and organisations to hire and work with forensic experts like Cybercom. Organizations requiring forensic investigative services can now consult a single central resource recognized by each payment card brand.

"This approval opens the door for many new business opportunities for Cybercom. Being the first Europe based company and one of the first in the world to join gives us a strong head start over competitors in gaining new business," says Bengt Berg, head of PCI DSS services at Cybercom Sweden.

The PCI SSC Forensic Investigator program aligns industry requirements for identifying and approving forensic investigators. PCI SSC has assessed Cybercom’s employee skills, methods, quality control, equipment, credentials, and insurance coverage.

"We have worked for years with advanced card fraud investigations on behalf of several of the world's largest banks," says Emil Nordström, head of IT forensics at Cybercom. "We see this approval as proof of our expertise is in this area."

The SSC will manage a centralized public listing of PCI Forensic Investigators that are subject to the Council’s quality assurance reviews. Organizations requiring forensic investigative services can now consult a single central resource recognized by each payment card brand.

“The PCI Security Standards Council is committed to providing merchants, service providers and financial institutions with high quality resources to protect against detect and understand threats to their card data environments,” said Bob Russo, general manager, PCI Security Standards Council.” The Council is pleased to welcome Cybercom to the PCI Forensic Investigator program."

Find out more, contact:  

Bengt Berg, head of PCI DSS services, Cybercom Sweden +46 70 825 00 29

Ella Nevill, PCI Security Standards Council +1 781 876 6250

Emil Nordström, head of IT Forensics, Cybercom Sweden +46 703 56 67 57

Anna Trane, press and PR manager of Cybercom Group +46 708 84 74 69

About Cybercom. The Cybercom Group is a world-class supplier in security, portal solutions, mobile services, and embedded systems. The Group employs 1,800 persons and runs projects worldwide. Since 1999, Cybercom’s share has been quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange. Find out more at:

The PCI Security Standards Council was formed by the major payment card brands American Express, Discover Financial Services, JCB International, MasterCard Worldwide and Visa Inc. to provide a transparent forum in which all stakeholders can provide input into the ongoing development, enhancement and dissemination of the PCI Data Security Standard, PIN Transaction Security requirements and the Payment Application Data Security Standard. Merchants, banks, processors and other vendors are encouraged to join as participating organizations. For more information, please visit

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