Cybercom signs 3-year contract with AMS Denmark

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Cybercom signed two new contracts with AMS* Denmark for development of all AMS systems and their administration. This three-year contract may be extended.

"The AMS Denmark contract is very valuable for Cybercom," says Thomas Barge, managing director, Cybercom Sweden South. "Public sectors in Sweden and Denmark face huge challenges due to increased demand for cost-effective solutions and for more available IT support. The contract is important for the company and staff in the Öresund region and the entire Group."

AMS estimates that the procurement is worth about DKK 180 million – split into two parts – DKK 120 million for development and DKK 60 million for system administration. As a selected frame agreement partner, Cybercom gets fantastic opportunities for exciting assignments and projects.

"Cybercom won the AMS Denmark deal in tough competition during the winter in an EU procurement project," says Rune Svennelid, account manager, Cybercom Sweden South. "Cybercom is one of six companies that won development contracts that extend over three years with extension possibilities. The system administration contract was granted to a consortium that includes two Danish companies - Knowledge Cube and Platon. Together, we represent the expertise necessary to manage all AMS operations' systems and processes – to enable establishment of state-of-the-art system administration."

AMS Denmark has the same public administration function as AMS Sweden. Their overall goal is to help employers and potential employees to find each other. Cybercom helped fulfil one objective by taking turnkey responsibility for, which was developed throughout the years. A rewarding partnership that now led to another show of confidence by being selected as an AMS Denmark supplier. Previously, Cybercom was responsible for Jobnet operation, which makes Cybercom a true turnkey supplier.

*Arbejdsmarkedsstyrelsen (AMS) = national labour market board (employment office)

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