Cybercom signs agreement with Skandia

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Cybercom signs agreement with Skandia for IT consulting services. The framework agreement runs for one year with an extension option.

PR Cybercom Skandia Final”We see great potential in our framework agreement with Skandia. With our expertise in connectivity and the ecosystem around telecommunications, we help companies in various industries to capitalise on the future of digital solutions,” says Niklas Flyborg, CEO of Cybercom.

Within the framework agreement, Cybercom may provide services in areas such as business development, strategy and management, governance, system development, administration, internet, testing and information security.

The agreement with Skandia is a result of Cybercom’s expertise and experience as an IT provider in banking and finance, combined with its strong profile in sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

”We have extensive experience in banking, finance and insurance. Furthermore, Cybercom has a wide-ranging CSR strategy, which is in line with the profile that Skandia demands of its suppliers,” says Anders Anderberg, account manager for Skandia at Cybercom.

Skandia conduct operations in insurance and banking, and provides endowments, investments in mutual funds, traditional life insurance, accident and injury insurance, health insurance and banking services.

For additional information, please contact:

Niklas Flyborg, CEO Cybercom Group +46 70 594 96 78

Anders Anderberg, Account Manager, Cybercom +46 722 15 92 52

Anna Trane, Press & PR Manager, Cybercom Group  +46 708 84 74 69

About Cybercom

Cybercom Group is a turn-key solution provider, offering end-to-end solutions in security, Internet services, connected devices and telecom management. As an established turn-key solution provider, through its extensive industry and operations experience, Cybercom delivers to customers in telecom, industry, automotive, media, retail, banking and finance and public sector, around the world. The group employs 1,600 people and runs projects worldwide. Cybercom has offices in nine countries. Cybercom was launched in 1995, and its share has been quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange since 1999. Find out more at

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