Cybercom wins deal with municipalities

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Cybercom signed contracts (valid until 2010) with the Örebro and Kumla municipalities. The contracts cover integration of electronic document and case management for streamlining administration and increasing service in municipality portals for citizens and authorities. Örebro and Kumla are members of Sambruk – an association that brings municipalities together over issues such as selection of e-services.

Initially, the solution will be used internally. The possibility is to make new e-services available for citizens directly from the municipality web site. Going forward, nearly all document and case management will be electronic.

“Our objective is to electronically manage the entire flow – from incoming documents to closed case – via e-administration,” says Charlotte Friman, project manager, Örebro.

“Thanks to the new system, we can realise future e-services that we want to offer residents,” says Maria Neselius, project manager, Kumla. “For example, via easily accessible e-services, municipality inhabitants can trace their cases.”

The electronic document and case management system streamlines work flows by integrating with other operations’ systems in various operational areas. The trend in society is to increase service by using and providing technical support – to create availability and to shorten lead times. For example, via a municipality portal, an e-service associated with various application forms (e.g., for building and alcohol-serving permits) is an example of 24/7 public authority.

“We’re delighted about the show of trust we received from Örebro and Kumla,” says Anders Franzén, managing director of Cybercom i Stockholm. “We also see many opportunities in the near term to help many other operations throughout Sweden increase their service levels by streamlining administration and creating more accessible services.”
W3D3 is the case management product that will be integrated in the Örebro and Kumla municipalities.

“We implemented W3D3 many times before,” says Andreas Lalangas, sales manager at Cybercom. Verva, one of the Government’s central advisory agencies, gave it the highest ranking during procurement in 2005. Cybercom co-operates with FormPipe Software, which owns the product. And we’ve noticed increased demand from organizations that want to implement e-administration.”

Questions? Please get in touch with:
Anders Franzén, MD, Cybercom i Stockholm + 46 705 26 75 15
Maria Neselius, project manager, Kumla municipality + 46 19 588 123
Charlotte Friman, project manager, Örebro municipality + 46 19 214 544
Andreas Lalangas, key account manager, Cybercom i Stockholm + 46 735 13 07 98
Kristina Svensson, communications manager, Cybercom Group + 46 708 644 702

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