Cybercom wins new agreement with TeliaSonera

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Cybercom wins new agreement with TeliaSonera Cybercom signed a new framework agreement with TeliaSonera. The two-year agreement covers IT services and TeliaSonera's Nordic operations. " We're delighted about the new agreement," says Bengt Levin, manager of the Cybercom Group's Telecom and Services business area. "TeliaSonera is one of our most important customers, and the agreement is business- critical for our operations in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden." The framework agreement will cover TeliaSonera's requirements for administration and development of applications and IT solutions; Cybercom is one of 30 selected suppliers that provide these services. "TeliaSonera's goal to reduce the proportion of resource purchases (based on hourly rates) is aligned with our repositioning in the value chain during the past few years," says Levin. "We've been gradually assuming more and more responsibility for entire projects and taking on an increasing number of application management assignments." In December, Cybercom acquired Consafe Infotech. Now, more than 50% the Cybercom Group's operation serves the telecom market; here, the company's primary focus is on billing and customer care, portals, mobile solutions, and telecom-network product and service development. So Cybercom has become one of the leading Nordic-market participants that supports telecom companies. For more information, please contact: Bengt Levin, Telecom and Services business area manager, Cybercom Group +46 708-576 275 About Cybercom Cybercom is an IT consulting company that focuses on developing and strengthening its customers' operations by delivering IT solutions that generate more business for its customers. The company offers expertise primarily in telecom and finance. Cybercom was launched in 1995; since 1999, it has been quoted on the Stockholm stock exchange's O list (Stockholmsbörsen). The company is financially sound; it currently employs about 400 people (an average of 13 years' consulting experience), who in a creative, stimulating milieu, add value in the form of professionalism, experience, customer relations, and the results that they deliver. Cybercom has operations throughout Europe and offices in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and the UK. ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: