Interim report January – September 2007

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Sales +101% to SEK 775.0 million (386.3)

EBIT +118% to SEK 72.1 million (33.0)

Profit +54% to SEK 38.2 million (24.8)

Profit per share SEK 3.04 (2.01)

9.3% operating margin, EBIT (8.5%)

10.3% operating margin from operating activities, EBIT (8.5%)

July – September 2007

Sales +167% to SEK 314.5 million (117.9)

EBIT +154% to SEK 28.4 million (11.2)

Profit +39% to SEK 14.0 million (10.1)

Profit per share SEK 1.08 (0.82)

9.0% operating margin, EBIT (9.5%)

10.0% operating margin from operating activities, EBIT (9.5%)

Organic growth +28%

Cybercom — robust development: 28% organic growth and widened Q3 margin

The new Cybercom holds a strong position as a leading international supplier in portals, mobile solutions, embedded systems, e-commerce, and BSS. I can say with pride that Cybercom grew very dynamically during Q3 2007, gaining new market shares in several sectors.

Market growth for IT services is ongoing, demand is high in all segments, and customers increasingly request IT products, services, and support. New sub-segments are emerging, in which multimedia has gained significance. The trend of Internet, telecom, and media convergence was further reinforced.

After comprehensive integration efforts, we now focus on more aggressive marketing. Joint sales activities got well under way during Q3, and organic growth totalled 28% for the period. The final phase to integrate and co-localise the companies in Stockholm, Malmö, and Linköping occur in Q4.

Recently, external events were further confirmation of Cybercom’s strategy and showed that customers increasingly request better service and 24/7 availability – at competitive prices. I see major potential in Cybercom – thanks to our attractive global sourcing proposition, combining clear local presence and cost-effective global delivery capacity. We made further investments in our offshore operation, which is in line with the company’s strategy to address the continued globalisation trend. Several offshore-related discussions are occurring with customers, and Cybercom operations in Sweden and the UK received new assignments.

I'm convinced that Cybercom has good potential to meet the market’s higher demands for cost-effective services and can become a leading global provider of telecom, Internet, and media services.

Patrik Boman
President and CEO of Cybercom

For more information, please contact:

Patrik Boman, president and CEO of the Cybercom Group + 46 73 983 89 79
Per Jonsson, CFO + 46 70 770 46 22
Patrik Anshelm, acting IR and communications manager + 46 70 971 12 84

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