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Sales +15% to SEK 393.5 million (342.7)

EBIT +56% to SEK 32.4 million (20.8)

Profit after tax SEK 24.8 million (15.6)

Profit per share SEK 2.01 (1.33)

Bengt Levin appointed acting CEO

Greater offshore capacity

Forecast 2006

July–September 2006

Sales +16% to SEK 119.5 million (103.0)

EBIT +71% to SEK 10.8 million (6.3)

Profit after tax SEK 10.1 million (3.5)

Profit per share SEK 0.82 (0.28)

“Thanks to robust growth and intense activity, the excellent IT and telecom consulting market provided Cybercom with a solid foundation for expanding during the first nine months of 2006. Investment appetite remains among telecom players. Regionally, we’re seeing significant growth in the Öresund region. In highly competitive Stockholm, we’re doing well, and market growth is favourable in the UK. We benefited from these trends. Pricing within IT and telecom consulting looks good, and Sweden’s positive market climate was confirmed during Q3. Pricing scope is mainly in specialised services. This benefited Cybercom’s business and helped achieve strong growth. We’re reporting a strong operating margin for the 9th consecutive quarter. It stood at 9.0% for the third quarter of 2006, and we’re well on the way to achieving our 10% operating margin goal,” says Mats Alders, president and CEO of Cybercom.

For more information, please contact:

Mats Alders, president and CEO + 46 707 253 200
Anneli Lindblom, CFO + 46 708 644 720
Kristina Svensson, Communications manager + 46 708 644 702

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