The Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency chooses Cybercom

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The Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency awarded Cybercom a key framework agreement to be used by government authorities. The agreement is for consultancy services, and is valid for two years with a two-year extension option.

“This is a real thrill for us,” says Patrik Boman, CEO of the Cybercom Group. “Since the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency negotiates on behalf of government authorities, this centralised agreement is a real stimulus to Cybercom's growth in the public sector.”

Thirtyfour companies participated in the procurement. Cybercom was one of seven companies awarded an agreement. The agreement is expected to generate assignments worth in total over SEK 400 million.

Areas covered by the framework agreement are usability, management and governance, business development and strategy, system development and maintenance, information security, infrastructure and GIS.

"We are pleased that the review process was relatively short. Now we are eager to find more customers for our turnkey consultancy services." says Pär Abelson, public sector segment manager at Cybercom. "There is a clear trend among our customers toward purchasing turnkey consultancy services.”



Find out more, contact:

Patrik Boman, CEO, Cybercom Group +46 739 83 89 79

Pär Abelson, Segment manager, public sector, Cybercom Group +46 735 20 00 25

Anna Trane, Press and PR manager, Cybercom Group +46 708 84 74 69

About Cybercom

The Cybercom Group is a consultancy that offers global sourcing for end-to-end-solutions. The Group is an established world-class supplier in these segments: security, internet services, mobile services and embedded systems. Thanks to its extensive industry and operations experience, Cybercom offers strategic and technical expertise in telecom, industry, media, the public sector, retail, and banking and finance. The Group employs 1,800 persons and runs projects worldwide. Cybercom has 25 offices in 10 countries. Cybercom was launched in 1995, and its share has been quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange since 1999. Find out more at:

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