Danish gastronomic theatre transforms national poet H.C. Andersen’s fairy tale about THE SNOW QUEEN

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February 6th to March 8th 2014
Republique – Contemporary Theatre Copenhagen

The Danish national poet H.C. Andersen’s fairy tale about good and evil – THE SNOW QUEEN is transformed into a Gastronomic Theatre experience. The artistic trio Mette Martinussen, Dorte Holbek and Martin Tulinius play with food, smells, tastes and the sense that nothing is as it seems. The audience will be taken on a magical journey through a modern reinterpretation of a highly visual classic fairy tale.

Theatre director Martin Tulinius who is part of the creative trio explains:
“The unique thing about this project is that the Snow Queen is neither solely a theatre, art or restaurant experience. We’re creating a show in which theatre, art and gastronomy amalgamate into an entirely new expression. And in which the audience become travellers within this magic tale rather than passive spectators”.

The Audience’s Journey
The audience will follow in the footsteps of H.C. Andersen’s central character, Gerda, as she encounters numerous fantastic characters on her menacing and laborious coming-of-age journey in search of the Snow Queen’s palace, where her close childhood friend Kai resides, a splinter from a malevolent mirror piercing his heart.

On Gerda's journey North, she will be subjected to trials and tribulations, riddles, succulent seduction and magical sensuality while the pots boil, the wolves howl and the knives rattle.

In this modern reinterpretation of one of the world’s greatest classics, the three artists have kicked in the door that separates the Snow Queen’s sexy and dangerous territory from the affectionate and sincere safe haven of Kai’s childhood.

The hyacinth, buttercup, white narcissus, snowdrop, orange lily and the bindweed
Denmark’s renowned national poet H.C. Andersen incorporates a rare wealth of details in his fairy tale, THE SNOW QUEEN. Among other things, there are exquisite and sensuous descriptions of six different flowers, the hyacinth, buttercup, white narcissus, snowdrop, orange lily and the bindweed. In this production, the three artists provide each flower with a small room of their own. Upon entering these rooms, the audience will encounter a tale and an ambiance filled with an almost bubbling and surrealist magic.

Adventurous food – Crispy and Sweet, From the Wild and the Sea
Chef and gastronomic artist Mette Martinussen considers the meal a gift she presents to the audience. She is renowned for her loving food-tales and you can expect magnificent food as you join Gerda on her remarkable journey, including crispy fishskin, leg of hare in crunchy bags, wild boar and large knives, kung crabs, langoustine and hibiscus, winter spinach in oat sauce, carrot tatare, cold soufflé, candy floss and special pears. The menu may change along the way, because the kitchen team will always opt for the best produce available.

The international performance diva, Charlotte Engelkes, returns to Republique as the piercingly beautiful and ice cold Snow Queen. She also played the drunken and deceitful Queen Mother in Republique’s The TIGER LILLIES perform HAMLET.

Please attached press release for facts about THE SNOW QUEEN.

For further details please contact Karen Toftegaard at kt@republique.dk or +45 3085 0982. 
Please contact Karen Toftegaard for high solution press photos.

