Communiqué from annual general meeting for Dannemora Mineral

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Communiqué from the annual general meeting for Dannemora Mineral AB (publ) held on May 3, 2010


An annual general meeting with the shareholders of Dannemora Mineral (publ) was held on May 3, 2010. The following items of business were dealt with at the annual general meeting:

Allocation of profits

The annual general meeting adopted the profit and loss account and the balance sheet for 2009 for the parent company and for the group. Furthermore, the annual general meeting adopted a proposal by the board of directors for the appropriation of profits not to pay out any dividends for the financial year of 2009.

The annual general meeting discharged the board of directors and the managing director from liability for the financial year of 2009.

Election of board of Directors and Director´s fee

Nils Bernhard, Lennart Falk, Nils Sandstedt, Lars-Göran Ohlsson, Christer Lindberg and Niklas Nordström were re-elected as members of the board of directors.

Nils Bernhard was re-elected as chairman of the board. At the statutory board meeting after the annual meeting, Nils Sandstedt was re-elected as vice-chairman of the board.

The annual general meeting decided that an annual amount of SEK 900,000 would be paid as directors' fees, of which the chairman would receive SEK 300,000, the vice-chairman would receive SEK 200,000 and the other members of the board would each receive SEK 100,000.

Auditor´s fee

The annual general meeting decided that auditor´s fee would be paid in accordance with the accepted bill of costs.

Amendment of the articles of association

The general meeting decided amendments of the articles of association so that the share capital boundaries are a minimum of SEK 1,600,000 and a maximum of SEK 6,400,000. The number of shares will then be amended to not less than 10,000,000 and not more than 40,000,000. The maximum number of A shares that can be issued will be 40,000,000, while the maximum number of B shares will also be 40,000,000.

 Authorisation of the board

The annual general meeting elected to authorise that the board may on one or more occasions during the period up to the next annual general meeting decide on a new issue of shares against payment by cash with preferential right for the shareholders. The preferential right may refer to the fact that respective class of shares either has the right to subscribe to shares of the same class of shares or the new issue only refers to series B shares at which time both classes of shares shall have the same preferential right.

The annual general meeting also elected to authorise that the board may on one or more occasions during the period up to the next annual general meeting decide on a new issue of maximum 1,000,000 shares of series B without preferential right for the shareholders. In accordance with the board decision regarding this, payment for newly issued shares may be made in cash, through set-off, with capital contributed in kind or otherwise as intended in Chapter 2, Section 5, Paragraph 2 1-3 and 5 in the Swedish Companies Act.

The reason for the divergence from the shareholders' preferential right is to enable the company to acquire working capital and to carry out the acquisition of companies and/or the acquisition of liquid assets.  


The Press Release can be downloaded from the link below:




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