MOD warns public of the risks of removing military shells

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The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has warned visitors to its training estate of the dangers of removing military objects such as artillery shells.

The caution follows a case at Bournemouth Magistrates Court this week involving two men who took shells from a training area at Lulworth Ranges in Dorset last May.

Although in this instance the shells were later found to be practice rounds, the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO), which manages the training estate, is issuing a reminder to the public that serious injury or even death could result if shells are disturbed.

It is an offence to remove objects from the Defence estate and signs are placed on all training areas highlighting to the public the rules and the risks of venturing from authorised pathways.

Public routes are regularly cleared of debris to ensure visitor safety but training estate users are advised that if they find anything they suspect to be dangerous they should call the police who will arrange for bomb disposal experts to attend.

Lt Col Ric Howick, DIO Training Safety Officer, said:

“DIO maintains military training areas to achieve its aim of providing the best possible facilities for the Armed Forces as they prepare for operations.

“The safety of all users of the Defence estate is of upmost importance and we work to ensure that all paths are cleared of potentially hazardous debris before the public are allowed access.

“However, in line with warning signs across the training estate, we would like to remind visitors of the dangers of straying from designated routes and touching or removing objects that they may find. The MOD will take steps to prosecute anyone who is found in breach of the rules.


Further information:

Press enquiries to Tony Moran, Senior Communications Officer 0121 311 3879 or email


Twitter: @mod_dio

Read DIO’s blog:

Notes to Editors

1.  The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) plays a vital role in supporting our Armed Forces by building, maintaining and servicing what the men and women who serve our country need to live, work, train and deploy on operations. We are working hard to become even better by becoming a world-class infrastructure delivery organisation over the next few years.

2.  DIO is part of the Ministry of Defence (MOD). It is responsible for managing and maintaining land and properties, as well as providing related support services, to meet the current and future needs of the MOD and personnel at home and abroad, and to support current operations.

3.  Our work includes supporting operational units by providing and improving single      living and service family accommodation; training areas and historic military sites. DIO actively manages these to ensure the needs of Defence are met, value for money is achieved, and its heritage is protected, and to achieve its environmental goals.


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