Northumberland man wins prestigious MOD award

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A Northumberland man has won the Ministry of Defence’s (MOD’s) prestigious Sanctuary Award.

David Chappell, Station Health and Safety Officer (SHSO) at RAF Boulmer, won the award in the Individual Achievement category for his dedication and determination.

Taking time out in his lunch breaks, David, who lives in Alnwick has spent the past four years digging out brambles and nettle beds to make way for a woodland path, recycled a pond from an old demolition site and created a haven for new wildlife.

He recalls asking many a favour of his colleagues to assist in ensuring the woodland area was brought up to scratch. David is proud to see the site inhabited by a variety of birds including, crows, barn owls, tawny owls and a family of mallard ducks.

The Sanctuary Award Board found David’s enthusiasm and ongoing hard work exemplary. The Board was particularly impressed with his ability to raise awareness of the wildlife that exists alongside the operational business on site.

Marcus Yeo of the Carbon Trust who is part of the Sanctuary Awards Board, commented:

“I have been a member of the judging panel for the Sanctuary Awards for several years, and I am always impressed by the breadth and quality of environmental work undertaken on MOD property. This year has been no exception and it was a hard task to select award winners from such a diverse range of high-quality submissions.”

On winning the Award, David, said:

“I was both surprised and delighted to receive this award; surprised because I enjoy this kind of work and find it rewarding in its own right. I should also acknowledge the support I have had from my colleagues, RAF personnel and contractors at RAF Boulmer. It has been extremely satisfying to see the obvious increase in wildlife activity on the Station and would like to think that this has been principally due to this conservation work.”


Further information:

Press enquiries to Tony Moran, Senior Communications Officer 0121 311 3879 or email DIO website:

Notes to Editors

Notes to Editors

1. The Sanctuary Awards are organised, on behalf of theMinistry of Defence (MOD), by Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO).

2. DIO is part of the MOD. It is responsible for managing and maintaining land and properties to meet the current and future needs of the MOD and personnel at home and abroad, and support current operations.Its work includes providing, supporting and improving: operational units; single living and service family accommodation; training areas and historic military sites. 

3. DIO actively manages these to ensure the needs of Defence are met, value for money is achieved, our heritage is protected and to achieve our environmental goals.DIO was formed on 1 April 2011 when the former Defence Estates (DE) organisation was brought together with other property and infrastructure functions within department to form a single organisation. DIO manages the MOD’s property infrastructure and ensures strategic management of the Defence estate as a whole.

4. The Sanctuary Awards aim to recognise and encourage group and individual efforts that benefit wildlife, archaeology, environmental improvement or community awareness of conservation on or within land and property that MOD owns or uses in theUK or overseas.

5. For imagery, please visit the Defence Imagery website at 

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