DEFLAMO: Industrial Breakthrough Order for Apyrum
DEFLAMO has received a breakthough order for the environmentally-friendly flame
retardant additive Apyrum.
The order is aimed at providing flame retardation for PVC film manufactured by Riflex Film.
The new PVC film will be the first flame-retarded product of its kind that is antimony free and
also has cleared the tough M1 fire standard.
Riflex Film has developed a PVC film that clears the tough M1 Fire standard. Development has
taken place in cooperation with DEFLAMO which has assisted development by providing
knowledge and technology about Apyrum and flame retardant technology. The collaboration
has involved many trials and adjustments to Apyrum and adaptation of the PVC formula. The
final result is a PVC film that fulfils the technical requirements of the product, physically and
with regards to technical fire requirements. This signifies a technical breakthrough, and the
result is unique in that this fire standard has been able to be attained without using the
environmentally hazardous substance antimony.
”It is extremely gratifying when a development project turns out to be a success. The project
started two years ago when we established new goals for future products in order to be on the
forefront with respect to technology and the environment. This new film is very competitive,
and we believe that the product is going to expand and take market share,” says Anders
Leidfalk, Commercial Manager of Riflex Film.
Riflex Film already has a customer order for the product and therefore has commenced
production of the new PVC film with delivery scheduled for April 2011.
DEFLAMO has received an order for Apyrum that is in connection with the order taken by Riflex.
The order is for 1000 kg and, at this stage, is not significant in economic terms. However, the
first order will be followed by several others during the year. Many other producers of PVC are
also able to use the new Apyrum product, and this will lead to considerably larger sales
volumes. DEFLAMO is currently in the process of ramping up production in order to ensure
delivery for this order and expected demand.
“DEFLAMO is very pleased that Riflex Film has had such good results and that they have
decided to produce the new PVC film. For us this means that Riflex is our first industrial
customer within PVC plastic for the new Apyrum powder that was recently developed. The order
is a confirmation that Apyrum is a commercially viable product,” states Fredrik Westin,
Managing Director of DEFLAMO.
Om Riflex Film
Riflex Film manufactures flexible PVC films and foils. Manufacturing takes place in automated
plants in Ronneby, Sweden. The strength of Riflex is in its ability to offer top quality PVC films
and foils in a wide spectrum of thickness's and widths according to customer- specific standards
and requests. Riflex Film's goal is to maintain maximal efficiency while providing a large
selection of quality products.
Fire kills thousands of people. In order to save lives and property, flame retardants are used in
many materials and products which we use on a daily basis. The problem is that the most
widely used flame retardants are so toxic that they manage to kill people, but in a different
manner. Brominated chemicals, which act as the base for most of today's flame retardants, are
toxic and persistent, something which will have a negative impact on life and the environment
for a long time to come.
DEFLAMO offers a safe alternative. The company's product Apyrum® is a flame retardant with
a unique environmental profile which has the potential to replace dangerous flame retardant
chemicals on a global scale. The technology is call Apyrum®, and the company is called
For More Information, please contact
Fredrik Westin
Managing Director
+46-70-418 49 59
f r e d r i k .we s t in@d e f l amo . s e
Anders Leidefalk
Commercial Manager
Riflex Film AB
a nd e r s . l e id e f a l k@r i f l e x f i lm. s e