Delta Minerals’ presents investment budget

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Delta Minerals has finalized the feasibility study for production increase at Aparri plant, Cagayan to 1,5 million ton annually. The feasibility study establishes a 12 MUSD capital need.

As the company now has sales of magnetite and sand the company has the basis for completing our feasibility study for an annual production of 1.5 Mton. The study envisages three additional modular plants along river and a total capita need of 12 MUSD in about three years’ time.

The cost is estimated to 10 MUSD and additional 2 MUSD working capital. The 10 MUSD consist of three production modules of about 2,5 MUSD, logistic 4,5 MUSD and 3 MUSD other cost such as environmental study, permits, licenses and acquisition of Aparri plant. The company now will work on financing this development. In the meantime will the pilot production and intermediate financing be used for finance the operation.

For further information, please contact
Hakan Gustafsson, Chairman of the Board,, mobile + 46-70 268 00 35.

Thomas Lundgren, CEO,, mobile + 46-70 397 25 24.


Facts about the company
Delta Minerals AB is a Swedish public company listed on the stock market with the right to carry out environmental projects in the Philippines with the support of regional/local authorities. The company's goal is to begin operations in estuaries of Northwestern Philippines for the extraction of minerals and sand.


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