Estimates a break-even in the Philippines

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Delta Minerals now sell magnetite, sand for bricks and building materials; the activities in the Philippines is now estimated to achieve break-even.

Recent developments with sales of magnetite (Iron ore), sales of building materials sand and last sale of bricks now provides a turnover in the Aparri production plant, Cagayan, in the range of 5-7 MSEK at current annual rate. The sale should provide a sufficient contribution to the activities in the Philippines to cover their running costs.

Delta Minerals earlier this year signed an MOU with Chahaya Shipping & Trading for so-called reclamation sand for land filling in Singapore. These deliveries are expected to begin in the first half of the year 2016.

"I am very pleased that the development is going according to plan and in some cases even faster. The pilot plant in Aparri has now been operating about a year and the company has gained important experience, and we continue to develop our sales channels. ", says Thomas Lundgren, CEO.

For further information, please contact
Hakan Gustafsson, Chairman of the Board,, mobile + 46-70 268 00 35.

Thomas Lundgren, CEO,, mobile + 46-70 397 25 24.


Facts about the company
Delta Minerals AB is a Swedish public company listed on the stock market with the right to carry out environmental projects in the Philippines with the support of regional/local authorities. The company's goal is to begin operations in estuaries of Northwestern Philippines for the extraction of minerals and sand.

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