Liquid Natural Clay (LNC) Receives Product Certification as Organic Fertilizer Authorized for Sale in the UAE

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Sandnes 13 July 2023 - Desert Control (DSRT) announces completion of the product
registration process with the Ministry of Climate Change & Environment (MOCCAE)
in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

This milestone achievement designates Liquid Natural Clay as a certified organic
fertilizer authorized for sale and use in the UAE market, following a rigorous
certification process conducted by MOCCAE.

The certification is under registration number DXB-APH-34-2318938. It showcases
Desert Control's commitment to compliance with the regulatory framework
established by MOCCAE, allowing LNC to meet the required standards and be deemed
safe for its intended purpose in agricultural practices. This authorization
ensures that LNC can be introduced to all sectors of the UAE market, catering to
the needs of farmers, consumers, and other stakeholders in the agricultural
industry and across private, public, and government sectors.

Liquid Natural Clay (LNC) is a solution developed by Desert Control that
harnesses the properties of natural minerals to enhance soil fertility, water
retention, and crop productivity. By obtaining the registration certificate, LNC
can confidently be promoted by Desert Control and its licensed operators as a
certified organic fertilizer, assuring users of its compliance with the highest
quality standards and suitability for sustainable agricultural practices.

"We are proud to receive the certification of LNC under the category of organic
fertilizers and agricultural conditioners and obtain the authorization for sale
in the UAE market," said Ole Kristian Sivertsen, President and Group CEO at
Desert Control. "This achievement marks a significant milestone in our journey
and opens a wider range of opportunities in the government sector for our
licensed operator while reinforcing our commitment to delivering safe,
effective, and sustainable solutions to farmers and growers in the UAE."

The MOCCA certification follows the certification announced on 16 March 2023 for
the official approval and certification for organic farming from the Ministry of
Industry and Advanced Technologies (MoIAT) in the UAE and the Organic Materials
Review Institute (OMRI) approval of LNC for use in compliance with the USDA
National Organic Program received in June 2023.

"We are confident the MOCCAE authorization, combined with recent certifications,
will support future endeavors in obtaining authorizations, certifications, and
necessary regulatory approvals for Liquid Natural Clay across the GCC region and
in other countries and markets we aim to serve," said Ole Kristian Sivertsen,
President and Group CEO at Desert Control.

For further inquiries, please contact:
Ole Kristian Sivertsen
President and Group CEO, Desert Control

About Desert Control:
Desert Control specializes in climate-smart AgTech solutions to combat
desertification, soil degradation, and water scarcity. Its patented Liquid
Natural Clay (LNC) restores and enhances soil ecosystems to reduce water usage
and improve the efficiency of fertilizers and natural resources for agriculture,
forests, and green landscapes. LNC enables sandy and arid soil to retain water
and nutrients, thus increasing crop yields, plant health, and ecosystem
resilience while preserving water and natural resources by up to 50%.

For more information, visit
