Changes in the Board of Directors of Sys

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Sysopen Plc
Stock Exchange Release, 30 May 2003, at 1.45 p.m.

Changes in the Board of Directors of SysOpen

Timo Tiihonen, Senior Advisor at CapMan, has resigned
from SysOpen’s Board of Directors at his own request, due
to change in his status, i.e. the funds managed by CapMan
have proposed him as a member of the Board of Directors
of a listed IT company competing with SysOpen.

Consequently, SysOpen’s Board of Directors consists of
Kari Karvinen (Chairman), Matti Savolainen (Vice-
Chairman), Jorma Kylätie and Risto Linturi. In accordance
with the Articles of Association, a four-member Board
meeting has a quorum. It is likely that SysOpen’s Board
of Directors will be reinforced at a later date, although
it will, for the time being, continue with the four
members stated above.

Helsinki, 30 May 2003

SysOpen Plc
Board of Directors

For further information, please contact Kari Karvinen,
Chairman of the Board of Directors,
tel. 358 424 2020 304,
