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DIGIA PLC INTERIM REPORT 14 August 2015, 08:00 am






- Consolidated net sales EUR 52.8 (48.5) million, up 8.9 per cent
- Operating profit before extraordinary items EUR 3.7 (1.1) million
- Extraordinary items include EUR 0.7 million in restructuring costs
- Operating profit after extraordinary items EUR 3.0 (1.1) million
- Profitability (EBIT%) before extraordinary items 6.9 (2.4) per cent and after extraordinary items 5.7 (2.4) per cent
- Product business accounted for 41.3 (41.0) per cent of net sales
- Earnings per share before extraordinary items EUR 0.12 (0.03) and after extraordinary items EUR 0.09 (0.03)



- Consolidated net sales EUR 27.1 (24.5) million, up 10.7 per cent
- Operating profit before extraordinary items EUR 2.5 (1.4) million
- Extraordinary items include EUR 0.2 million in restructuring costs
- Operating profit after extraordinary items EUR 2.3 (1.4) million
- Profitability (EBIT%) before extraordinary items 9.2 (5.8) per cent and after extraordinary items 8.5 (5.8) per cent
- Product business accounted for 41.6 (41.4) per cent of net sales
- Earnings per share before extraordinary items EUR 0.09 (0.05) and after extraordinary items EUR 0.08 (0.05)


During the review period, both of the Digia Group's business segments recorded a year-on-year net sales increase. Growth accelerated towards the end of the period, reaching 10.7 per cent for the whole Group during the second quarter. The Qt segment showed particularly strong growth with a net sales increase of 33.9 per cent during the review period and 37.0 per cent during the second quarter. Growth was significantly fuelled by the strengthening of the US dollar against the euro. Excluding the impact of exchange rate fluctuations, Qt’s net sales growth amounted to 23.3 per cent during the reporting period.

The Group's operating profit improved in line with net sales growth, particularly in the Qt business. During the review period, the segment began to turn a profit and continued to do so throughout the period. Similarly, profitability in the domestic segment showed positive development and almost reached the segment's business target of 10 per cent in the second quarter.

Digia expects overall demand to remain moderate in the domestic segment, with slight year-on-year growth forecast for its 2015 net sales in Finland. The profitability of domestic operations is expected to reach at least a moderate level in 2015.

The Qt business is expected to show continued growth in the second half, with profitability on a positive curve compared to the previous year's figures.

Digia expects a clear full-year improvement in both net sales and operating profit from the previous year's level.



  4-6/2015 4-6/2014 Change, % 1-6/2015 1-6/2014 Change, %
Net sales 27,109 24,497 10.7% 52,761 48,455 8.9%
Operating profit before extraordinary items 2,507 1,425 75.9% 3,655 1,144 219.4%
- % of net sales 9.2% 5.8%   6.9% 2.4%  
Operating profit 2,308 1,425 62.0% 2,997 1,144 161.9%
- % of net sales 8.5% 5.8%   5.7% 2.4%  
Net profit 1,658 1,029 61.1% 1,930 698 176.5%
- % of net sales 6.1% 4.2%   3.7% 1.4%  
Return on equity,% 17.9% 12.1%   10.4% 4.0%  
Return on capital invested, % 18.0% 12.3%   12.4% 5.2%  
Interest-bearing liabilities 15,229 17,759 -14.2% 15,229 17,759 -14.2%
Cash and cash equivalents 4,842 4,202 15.2% 4,842 4,202 15.2%
Net gearing 27.5% 39.2%   27.5% 39.2%  
Equity ratio, % 51.8% 48.8%   51.8% 48.8%  
Earnings per share, EUR, undiluted 0.08 0.05   0.09 0.03  
Earnings per share, EUR, diluted 0.08 0.05   0.09 0.03  





Demand for integration and analytics services during the review period was healthy. Investments to enhance delivery and service capacity had a positive impact on net sales performance, and the segment's profitability remained at a healthy level. Meanwhile, continued investments in the development of product and business models for site optimisation taxed the segment's overall profitability.

The ERP and MES business showed favourable development during the review period. Strong growth of the Microsoft technologies based solutions business continued in the second quarter, with a high profitability level. Similarly, the ERP business based on Microsoft technologies took an upward turn in the second quarter. ERP business based on Digia's own software grew during the review period, but failed to reach the previous year's profit level. 

Demand for solutions based on financial-sector software remains healthy, and the development of new services for the sector in the Finnish and Swedish markets has progressed according to plan.

In the service business, demand during the review period was moderate and profitability showed a positive performance trend. However, customers' cost pressures continued to have an impact on service pricing, taxing profitability.



The Qt segment grew vigorously during the entire review period. This growth in the Qt segment stemmed especially from successful investments made to the sales in automotive and DTV receiver product areas. Operating profit also improved on the back of net sales growth, and the business was profitable.

During the review period, the new Qt 5.5 version was launched. The www.qt.io website launched for the Qt segment has been well received. This website plays an extremely important role in managing the Qt ecosystem, and Digia will continue to make substantial developments in this channel. Measures to enhance sales were taken during the review period, particularly in Asia. A Qt World Summit for developers was held in Japan in May, with the number of visitors exceeding expectations.



Digia’s consolidated net sales for the period totalled EUR 52.8 (48.5) million, representing an increase of 8.9 per cent year-on-year.

Net sales in the domestic segment rose by 2.7 per cent to EUR 39.9 (38.8) million. Net sales in the Qt segment totalled EUR 12.9 (9.6) million, representing an increase of 33.9 per cent.

The increase in the Group's net sales could be largely attributed to the Qt segment's strong growth. This growth in the Qt segment stemmed from good sales combined with major contracts in automotive products and DTV receivers in particular. Favourable trends in net sales were also supported by the US dollar strengthening against the euro. The impact of exchange rate fluctuations on Qt’s net sales growth amounted to a total of EUR 1.0 million during the review period.

During the reporting period, the product business accounted for EUR 21.8 million (1-6/2014: EUR 19.8 million), or 41.3 (41.0) per cent of consolidated net sales.

International operations accounted for EUR 13.4 million (1-6/2014: EUR 9.5 million), or 25.3 (19.5) per cent of consolidated net sales.

Digia’s consolidated net sales for the second quarter were EUR 27.1 (24.5) million, up 10.7 per cent on the same period last year.

Net sales from the domestic segment increased by 4.2 per cent to EUR 20.5 (19.7) million, while net sales from the Qt business increased by 37 per cent to EUR 6.6 (4.8) million.

In the second quarter, the product business accounted for EUR 11.3 (10.1) million or 41.6 (41.4) per cent of consolidated net sales.

International operations accounted for EUR 6.9 (4.7) million, or 25.6 (19.2) per cent of consolidated net sales in the second quarter.



Digia’s consolidated operating profit before extraordinary items was EUR 3.7 (1.1) million. Profitability (EBIT%) before extraordinary items was 6.9 (2.4) per cent.

Consolidated operating profit before extraordinary items in the second quarter was EUR 2.5 (1.4) million, up 75.9 per cent year-on-year.

Consolidated operating profit after extraordinary items was EUR 3.0 (1.1) million for the review period. Profitability (EBIT%) stood at 5.7 (2.4) per cent.

Operating profit after extraordinary items amounted to EUR 2.3 (1.4) million in the second quarter, with profitability (EBIT%) at 8.5 (5.8) per cent.

In the domestic segment, the operating profit before extraordinary items totalled EUR 2.6 (2.4) million, up 6.4 per cent, with profitability (EBIT%) standing at 6.5 (6.2) per cent. Operating profit after extraordinary items was EUR 2.0 (2.4) million and profitability (EBIT%) 4.9 (6.2) per cent.

In the domestic segment, the operating profit before extraordinary items totalled EUR 1.9 (1.8) million, up 6.5 per cent, with profitability (EBIT%) standing at 9.2 (9.0) per cent. Operating profit after extraordinary items for the second quarter was EUR 1.7 (1.8) million and profitability (EBIT%) was 8.2 (9.0) per cent.

The Qt segment recorded an operating profit of EUR 1.1 (-1.3) million before extraordinary items with profitability (EBIT%) at 8.7 (-13.2) per cent. Qt's operating profit after extraordinary items for the review period was EUR 1.1 (-1.3) million and profitability (EBIT%) was 8.4 (-13.2) per cent. Qt's operating profit for the second quarter was EUR 0.7 (-0.3) million and profitability (EBIT%) was 9.9 (-7.2) per cent.

The increase in consolidated operating profit during the review period could be largely attributed to Qt's significant net sales growth and the resulting major profitability improvement in the Qt segment.

Consolidated earnings before tax for the period totalled EUR 2.5 (0.9) million, and profit after tax was EUR 1.9 (0.7) million. Consolidated earnings before tax for the second quarter were EUR 2.1 (1.4) million, and profit after tax came to EUR 1.7 (1.0) million.

Consolidated earnings per share for the review period were EUR 0.12 (1-6/2014: 0.03) before extraordinary items and EUR 0.09 (0.03) after extraordinary items. Consolidated earnings per share for the second quarter were EUR 0.09 (Q2/2014: 0.05) before extraordinary items and EUR 0.08 (0.05) after extraordinary items.

The Group’s net financial expenses for the review period were EUR 0.5 (0.2) million and for the second quarter EUR 0.2 (0.1) million.



At the end of the review period, the Digia Group’s consolidated balance sheet total stood at EUR 81.1 million (12/2014: EUR 80.4 million) and the equity ratio stood at 51.8 (12/2014: 51.5) per cent. Net gearing was 27.5 per cent (12/2014: 30.3) per cent. Cash and cash equivalents totalled EUR 4.8 million at period end (12/2014: EUR 5.1 million).

Interest-bearing liabilities at period end amounted to EUR 15.2 (12/2014: 16.2) million. These consisted of EUR 13.5 million in loans from financial institutions and EUR 1.7 million in financial leasing liabilities.

Consolidated net cash flow from operating activities for the period was EUR 2.9 million (1-6/2014: EUR -1.3 million) Cash flow from investments for the period was negative by EUR 1.0 (0.7) million. Cash flow from finance for the period was negative by EUR 2.3 (0.2) million.

The Group’s investments in fixed assets during the period totalled EUR 1.0 (0.7) million.

Return on investment (ROI) for the period was 12.4 (5.2) per cent, and return on equity (ROE) was 10.4 (4.0) per cent.



Group personnel numbered 930 at the end of the period, representing a decrease of 2 employees, or -0.2 per cent, since the end of the 2014 fiscal year (12/2014: 932 employees). During the review period, the number of employees averaged 931, a decrease of 4 employees, or -0.4 per cent, on the 2014 average (2014: 935).

Employees by function at the end of the period:

Domestic segment 76%
Qt segment 19%
Administration and management 5%


As of the end of the period, 140 (12/2014: 146) employees were working abroad.

The Digia Plc Annual General Meeting of 12 March 2015 re-elected Päivi Hokkanen, Robert Ingman, Pertti Kyttälä, Seppo Ruotsalainen, Leena Saarinen and Tommi Uhari as members of the Board. Kai Öistämö was elected as a new member. At the Board's organisation meeting, Pertti Kyttälä was elected Chairman of the Board and Robert Ingman was elected Vice Chairman.

Juha Varelius has been Digia Plc’s President and CEO since 1 January 2008.

On 12 March 2015, KMPG Oy Ab, Authorised Public Accountants, was elected as the Group's new auditor with Authorised Public Accountant Virpi Halonen as the principal auditor.



Digia's short-term business risks and uncertainties have been described in the 2014 Financial Statements and remain unchanged.

Risks and risk management are also described on the company’s website: www.digia.com.



Digia will continue its efforts to gain a deeper understanding of its customers and to develop a sales and service portfolio that will offer more competitive services and solutions for boosting the efficiency of its customers' operations.

Digia expects overall demand to remain moderate in the domestic segment, with slight year-on-year growth forecast for its 2015 net sales in the domestic segment. The profitability of domestic operations is expected to reach at least a moderate level in 2015.

The Qt segment will be placing a strong focus on sales development, thereby creating the potential for further growth. The company will continue to introduce changes to open source code licensing in forthcoming versions of its Qt software. These changes seek to promote licence sales to commercial players.

Considering the time of year and general market situation, demand for the Qt segment's services is at a moderate level. In addition, the company expects to see continued growth in demand in the major customer segment. However, contract turnaround times in these markets are very long, typically around 6–18 months, which can cause significant fluctuation in quarterly net sales and in profitability in particular.

Business development efforts will have a particular focus on embedded systems in automotive, digital TV and DTV receivers. Areas targeted in product development include value-added features and tools required for building embedded systems.

Sales growth associated with embedded systems will also reflect on the earnings logic. Licence revenue from these sales accumulates over the long term as opposed to one-off licence payments. 

The Qt business is expected to show continued growth in the second half, with profitability on a positive curve compared to the previous year's figures.

Digia expects a clear full-year improvement in both net sales and operating profit from the previous year's level.



Digia Plc’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on 12 March 2015. The AGM adopted the financial statements for 2014, released the Board members and the CEO from liability, determined Board and auditor fees, resolved to keep the number of Board members at seven (7), elected the company’s Board of Directors for a new term, and elected a new auditor. 

With regard to profit distribution for 2014, the AGM approved the Board’s proposal to pay a dividend of EUR 0.05 per share to all shareholders listed in the shareholder register maintained by Euroclear Finland Ltd on the reconciliation date of 16 March 2015. The dividend payment date was 23 March 2015.

The AGM granted the following authorisations to the Board:

Authorisation of the Board of Directors to decide on buying back own shares and/or accepting them as collateral

The AGM authorised the Board to decide on the buyback and/or acceptance as collateral of no more than 2,000,000 shares in the company. This buyback can only be executed by means of the company’s unrestricted equity. The Board shall decide on how these shares are to be bought. Own shares may be bought back in disproportion to the holdings of the shareholders. The authorisation also includes acquisition of shares through public trading organised by NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Oy in accordance with the rules and instructions of NASDAQ OMX Helsinki and Euroclear Finland Ltd, or through offers made to shareholders. Shares may be acquired in order to improve the company’s capital structure, to fund acquisitions or other business transactions, for offering share-based incentive schemes, to sell on, or to be annulled. The shares must be acquired at the market price in public trading. This authorisation supersedes that granted by the AGM of 11 March 2014 and is valid for 18 months, i.e. until 12 September 2016.

Authorising the Board of Directors to decide on a share issue and granting of special rights

The AGM authorised the Board to decide on an ordinary or bonus issue of shares and the granting of special rights (as defined in Section 1, Chapter 10 of the Limited Liability Companies Act) in one or more instalments, as follows: The issue may total 4,000,000 shares at a maximum. The authorisation applies both to new shares and to treasury shares held by the company. By virtue of the authorisation, the Board has the right to decide on share issues and the granting of special rights, in deviation from the pre-emptive subscription rights of the shareholders (a directed issue). The authorisation may be used to fund or complete acquisitions or other business transactions, for offering share-based incentive schemes, to develop the company’s capital structure, or for other purposes.  The Board was authorised to decide on all terms related to the share issue or special rights, including the subscription price, its payment in cash or (partly or wholly) in capital contributed in kind or its being written off against the subscriber’s receivables, and its recognition in the company's balance sheet. This authorisation supersedes that granted by the AGM of 11 March 2014 and is valid for 18 months, i.e. until 12 September 2016.



On 30 June 2015, the number of Digia Plc shares totalled 20,875,645.

According to Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd, Digia had 4,405 shareholders on 30 June 2015.

The ten major shareholders were:

Shareholder Percentage of shares and votes
Ingman Development Oy Ab 20.5%
Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company 14.6%
Jyrki Hallikainen 7.4%
Kari Karvinen 5.4%
Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company 4.6%
Matti Savolainen 4.3%
Investment Fund Säästöpankki Small Cap 1.3%
Nordea Bank Finland Plc 1.3%
Aktia Nordic Small Cap investment fund 1.3%
Fim Fenno Sek 1.0%


Distribution of holdings by number of shares held on 30 June 2015

Number of shares Shareholders Percentage of shares and votes
1 – 100 24.1% 0.3%
101 – 1,000 57.4% 5.4%
1,001 – 10,000 16.5% 9.7%
10,001 – 100,000 1.5% 10.2%
100,001 – 1,000,000 0.5% 26.6%
1,000,001 – 4,000,000 0.1% 47.8%


Shareholding by sector on 30 June 2015

  Shareholders Shares
Non-financial corporations 4.4% 27.1%
Financial and insurance corporations 0.3% 6.6%
General government 0.1% 19.2%
Non-profit associations 0.3% 1.9%
Households 94.3% 42.9%
Foreign holding 0.6% 2.3%


The weighted average number of shares during the review period, adjusted for share issues, was 20,775,317. The number of outstanding shares at the end of the review period was 20,797,144.

Digia Plc held a total of 78,501 treasury shares at the end of the review period. The accounting counter value of these treasury shares is EUR 0.10 per share. The company held about 0.4 per cent of the capital stock as of 30 June 2015. Digia has financed the acquisition of 65,000 treasury shares for distribution through incentive schemes for key personnel. During the period, 43,871 such shares were distributed.  At the end of the period, 21,129 of these shares remained undistributed and were under the management of Evli Alexander Management Ltd.



Digia Plc shares are listed on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange under IT, IT Consulting & Other Services. The company's short name is DIG1V. The lowest reported share quotation was EUR 2.74 and the highest was EUR 4.88. The share officially closed at EUR 4.32 on the last trading day. The trade-weighted average was EUR 3.55. The Group’s market capitalisation totalled EUR 90,182,786 at the end of the period.

The company received the following flagging notifications during the review period:

-    On 26 February 2015, the Ingman Group announced that, as a result of internal restructuring, the Ingman Group had divested its entire holding in Digia Plc to Ingman Development Oy Ab. As a result of the transaction, the Ingman Group's holding in Digia Plc has fallen under the 5% flagging threshold and Ingman Development Oy Ab's holding has risen by a corresponding amount over the 20% flagging threshold, that is, to 20.21 per cent of the company's shares and voting rights.



Digia Plc had no outstanding options.



Helsinki, 14 August 2015


Digia Plc


Board of Directors


Digia will hold a briefing on this Interim Report for analysts on Friday 14 August 2015 at 11 am, in the Tapiola cabinet of Hotel Scandic Simonkenttä, Simonkatu 9, 00100 Helsinki, Finland. Welcome.


CEO Juha Varelius, exchange +358 (0)10 313 3000

The Interim Report and CEO’s presentation will be available on www.digia.com, in the ‘Investors’ section, as of 11 am on 14 August 2015.


Key media



Consolidated Income Statement
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
Notes to the Accounts



EUR 1,000 4-6/2015 4-6/2014 Change, % 1-6/2015 1-6/2014 Change, % 2014
NET SALES 27,109.2 24,497.2 10.7% 52,760.9 48,455.1 8.9% 97,433.5
Other operating income 424.8 322.8 31.6% 847.9 723.6 17.2% 1,302.9
Materials and services -2,358.3 -2,343.1 0.6% -4,651.0 -4,721.2 -1.5% -9,501.1
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment -655.6 -607.2 8.0% -1,270.9 -1,309.9 -3.0% -2,490.4
Other operating expenses -22,212.5 -20,444.9 8.6% -44,689.6 -42,003.2 6.4% -82,435.0
Operating profit 2,307.6 1,424.8 62.0% 2,997.3 1,144.4 161.9% 4,309.8
Financial expenses (net) -176.8 -53.2 232.4% -480.6 -204.0 135.6% -675.6
Earnings before tax 2,130.8 1,371.6 55.3% 2,516.8 940.4 167.6% 3,634.2
Income taxes -472.9 -342.8 38.0% -586.6 -242.4 142.0% -783.8
NET PROFIT 1,657.9 1,028.9 61.1% 1,930.2 698.0 176.5% 2,850.4
Other comprehensive income:              
Items which may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:              
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations 37.8 -80.9   177.0 -125.0   -116.6
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 1,695.7 947.9 78.9% 2,107.2 573.0 267.8% 2,733.8
Distribution of net profit:              
Parent-company shareholders 1,657.9 1,028.9 61.1% 1,930.2 698.0 176.5% 2,850.4
Minority interest 0.0 0.0   0.0 0.0   0.0
Distribution of total comprehensive income:              
Parent-company shareholders 1,695.7 947.9 78.9% 2,107.2 573.0 267.8% 2,733.8



Assets 30 June 2015 31 Dec 2014 Change, %
Non-current assets      
Intangible assets 51,627.2 52,309.0 -1.3%
Tangible assets 2,094.2 1,698.6 23.3%
Financial assets 627.0 627.0 0.0%
Inventories 0.0 0.0  
Long-term receivables 38.6 26.0 48.6%
Deferred tax assets 164.9 201.2 -18.0%
Total non-current assets 54,551.8 54,861.8 -0.6%
Current assets      
Current receivables 21,725.1 20,399.3 6.5%
Available-for-sale financial assets 330.2 328.7 0.4%
Cash and cash equivalents 4,512.1 4,803.3 -6.1%
Total current assets 26,567.3 25,531.3 4.1%
Total assets 81,119.2 80,393.1 0.9%
Shareholders’ equity and liabilities 30 June 2015 31 Dec 2014 Change,%
Share capital 2,087.6 2,087.6 0.0%
Rights issue 0.0 0.0  
Issue premium fund 7,899.5 7,899.5 0.0%
Other reserves 5,203.8 5,203.8 0.0%
Unrestricted shareholders’ equity reserve 31,370.3 31,370.3 0.0%
Translation difference 578.0 401.0 44.1%
Retained earnings -11,238.0 -13,093.8 14.2%
Net profit 1,930.2 2,850.4 -32.3%
Equity attributable to parent-company shareholders 37,831.3 36,718.7 3.0%
Minority interest 0.0 0.0  
Total shareholders’ equity 37,831.3 36,718.7 3.0%
Long-term interest-bearing liabilities 8,388.7 9,646.4 -13.0%
Received long-term advances 986.5 1,113.5 -11.4%
Other long-term liabilities 0.0 0.0  
Deferred tax liabilities 271.0 288.5 -6.1%
Total long-term liabilities 9,646.2 11,048.4 -12.7%
Short-term interest-bearing liabilities 6,840.2 6,599.0 3.7%
Other short-term liabilities 26,801.5 26,026.9 3.0%
Total short-term liabilities 33,641.6 32,625.9 3.1%
Total liabilities 43,287.8 43,674.4 -0.9%
Shareholders’ equity and liabilities 81,119.2 80,393.1 0.9%



  1 Jan 2015-30 June 2015 1 Jan 2014-30 June 2014
Cash flow from operations:    
Net profit 1,930 698
Adjustments to net profit 1,163 100
Change in working capital 319 -1,949
Interest paid -215 -171
Interest income 0 0
Taxes paid -257 20
Net cash flow from operations 2,941 -1,301
Cash flow from investments:    
Purchases of tangible and intangible assets -964 -706
Cash flow from investments -964 -706
Cash flow from financing:    
Repayment of current loans -1,500 -2,000
Repayments of non-current loans 0 0
Withdrawals of current loans 0 3,000
Withdrawals of non-current loans 0 560
Dividends paid and other profit distribution -766 -1,804
Cash flow from financing -2,266 -244
Change in liquid assets -290 -2,252
Liquid assets at beginning of period 5,132 6,454
Change in fair value    
Change in liquid assets -290 -2,252
Liquid assets at end of period 4,842 4,202



  a b c d e f g h
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY, 1 Jan 2014 2,088 0 7,899 33,448 5,204 518 -13,096 36,061
Net profit             698 698
Other comprehensive income           -125   -125
Repayment of capital       -2,078       -2,078
Share-based payments recognised against equity             12 12
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY, 30 June 2014 2,088 0 7,899 31,370 5,204 393 -12,385 34,568
  a b c d e f g h
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY, 1 Jan 2015 2,088 0 7,899 31,370 5,204 401 -10,243 36,719
Net profit             1,930 1,930
Other comprehensive income           177   177
Dividends             -1,039 -1,039
Share-based payments recognised against equity             44 44
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY, 30 June 2015 2,088 0 7,899 31,370 5,204 578 -9,308 37,831


a = share capital
b = rights issue
c = share premium
d = unrestricted invested shareholders’ equity
e = other reserves
f = currency translation differences
g = retained earnings
h = total shareholders’ equity



This Interim Report has not been audited.


Accounting principles:
The interim report has been prepared in compliance with IFRS and the IAS 34 standard. Otherwise, the same accounting principles have been applied as in the 2014 Financial Statements. The amendments to and interpretations of IFRS standards effective as of 1 January 2015 had no material effect on this Interim Report.

Seasonal nature of business:
The Group's business is affected by the number of workdays each month, as well as by holiday seasons.

Dividends paid:
Dividends paid during the reporting period totalled EUR 1,038,763.65.

Related-party transactions:
Digia Group’s related parties include the CEO and the members of the Board of Directors and Group Management Team. Digia Group had no significant transactions with related parties during the review period.

Segment information:
Digia’s business operations are divided into two main business segments: Domestic and Qt.


NET SALES, EUR 1,000 4-6/2015 4-6/2014 Change, % 1-6/2015 1-6/2014 Change, % 2014
Domestic segment 20,489 19,663 4.2% 39,888 38,844 2.7% 77,028
Qt segment 6,620 4,834 37.0% 12,873 9,611 33.9% 20,406
Digia Group 27,109 24,497 10.7% 52,761 48,455 8.9% 97,433


OPERATING PROFIT BEFORE EXTRAORDINARY ITEMS, EUR 1,000 4-6/2015 4-6/2014 Change, % 1-6/2015 1-6/2014 Change, % 2014
Domestic segment 1,888 1,772 6.5% 2,573 2,418 6.4% 6,311
Qt segment 655 -347   1,120 -1,273   -1,850
Digia Group 2,507 1,425 75.9% 3,655 1,144 219.4% 4,461


OPERATING PROFIT, EUR 1,000 4-6/2015 4-6/2014 Change, % 1-6/2015 1-6/2014 Change, % 2014
Domestic segment 1,689 1,772 -4.7% 1,952 2,418 -19.3% 6,311
Qt segment 655 -347   1,084 -1,273   -2,001
Digia Group 2,308 1,425 62.0% 2,997 1,144 161.8% 4,310


ASSETS, EUR 1,000 30 June 2015 31 Dec 2014
Domestic segment 51,401 51,076
Qt segment 17,764 17,332
Unallocated 11,954 11,985
Digia Group 81,119 80,393


Consolidated income statement by quarter:

EUR 1,000 4-6/2015 1-3/2015 10-12/2014 7-9/2014 4-6/2014
Net sales 27,109.2 25,651.7 27,246.4 21,731.9 24,497.2
Other operating income 424.8 423.1 276.6 302.7 322.8
Materials and services -2,358.3 -2,292.7 -2,819.6 -1,960.3 -2,343.1
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment -655.6 -615.3 -600.5 -580.1 -607.2
Other operating expenses -22,212.5 -22,477.0 -21,794.4 -18,637.4 -20,444.9
Operating profit 2,307.6 689.8 2,308.5 856.9 1,424.8
Financial expenses (net) -176.8 -303.8 -164.6 -307.1 -53.2
Earnings before tax 2,130.8 386.0 2,143.9 549.8 1,371.6
Income taxes -472.9 -113.7 -463.3 -78.0 -342.8
Net profit 1,657.8 272.3 1,680.6 471.7 1,028.9
Parent-company shareholders 1,695.7 272.3 1,680.6 471.7 1,028.9
Minority interest 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Earnings per share, EUR 0.08 0.01 0.08 0.02 0.05
Earnings per share (diluted), EUR 0.08 0.01 0.08 0.02 0.05


Group key figures and ratios:

EUR 1,000 1-6/2015 1-6/2014
Extent of business:    
Net sales 52,761 48,455
- change from previous year 8.9% -6.0%
Average capital invested 52,957 52,636
Personnel at period end 930 937
Average number of personnel 931 936
Operating profit before extraordinary items and impairment 2,507 1,144
- % of net sales 4.8% 2.4%
Operating profit 2,308 1,144
- % of net sales 4.4% 2.4%
Earnings before tax 2,131 940
- % of net sales 4.0% 1.9%
Net profit 1,658 698
% of net sales 3.1% 1.4%
Return on equity, % 17.9% 4.0%
Return on investment, % 18.0% 5.2%
Financing and financial standing:    
Interest-bearing liabilities 15,229 17,759
Short-term investments & cash and bank receivables 4,842 4,202
Net gearing 27.5% 39.2%
Equity ratio 51.8% 48.8%
Net cash flow from operations 2,941 -1,301
Earnings per share, undiluted (EUR) 0.08 0.03
Earnings per share, diluted (EUR) 0.08 0.03
Equity/share, EUR 1.81 1.66
Lowest share trading price, EUR 2.74 3.80
Highest share trading price, EUR 4.88 4.59
Average share price, EUR 3.55 4.15
Market capitalisation 90,183 79,536


Formulae for key figures and ratios are presented in the 2014 financial statements. These remained unchanged during the reporting period.


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