Diriga Offers Tips on Cloud, What’s Real and What’s Not?

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ORLANDO, Fla. (October 8, 2012) – Diriga, leader in technology solutions, offers consumers’ tips on how to differentiate public cloud service providers from the “private cloud impostors.”

“At Diriga, we understand that not all companies are ready for a true cloud migration,” says Douglas Brown, chief operating officer, Dirgia Technologies. “With Ready IT we are able to analyze the best components of a business that can easily move into a cloud space, and which areas can leverage the bases of cloud technology to decrease infrastructure cost. What many are calling “private-cloud.’”

An issue companies face is the use of the word "cloud" to describe “virtualization.” True cloud is a multi-tenant solution like Office 365, Google Apps, or Salesforce.

A private cloud offer systems in which the infrastructure is separated and dedicated, but in reality, the private cloud works just like a public cloud. Private cloud providers are offering private infrastructure, cloud software that a customer must purchase. Private cloud companies are aware that customers are nervous about switching their infrastructure to a cloud, ultimately taking advantage of the everyday consumer. Diriga encourages consumers to do extensive research before selecting a cloud provider.

For more information please visit http://diriga.com.

About Diriga

Diriga is a reputable, well-established and innovative company that delivers business technology solutions to companies throughout the U.S.  Ray Bazzi and Douglas Brown have combined over 30 years of IT experience to provide both proven and emerging technology solutions with a personal touch. Through a pioneering philosophy of business technology in a box, Diriga allows you to experience technological freedom unlike ever before.  Our cutting-edge IT solutions are all about doing more with less, which allows your company to leverage innovation instead of just throwing money and new hardware at problems. To see the wide variety of offerings and to learn more, please visit http://diriga.com.


