Divio has passed ISO 27001 Certification

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Divio Technologies AB (publ) has now received ISO 27001 certification and passed ISO 27017 and ISO 27018

Divio Technologies AB is announcing today that it has received ISO 27001 certification for information security management and has also passed ISO 27017 for cloud security and ISO 27018 for protection of personally identifiable information (PII) in public cloud computing environments. Information security and data protection are paramount to all Divio clients, especially enterprise clients who require the most demanding standards. The work Divio has done to achieve ISO certification and the certification itself will boost sales and greatly expedite vendor onboarding. 

"We are very pleased to have received this ISO certification that proves how seriously we take our customers’ data security. We are now able to give backed and heavily documented assurances to all our clients that we have stringent protocols in place to prevent data security incidents and that we have laid out exacting plans on what to do in the case of an incident,” said Jonathan Stoppani, CTO of Divio Technologies AB. He continued: “For our customers, this means that Divio’s ISO compliance covers cloud management and the Divio PaaS they use to easily manage their apps. Cloud vendors like AWS, MS Azure and GCP sit below Divio in the structure, and their compliance programs cover the cloud infrastructure itself. Our customers can now profit from the shared responsibility model of cloud vendors, complemented by Divio’s fully certified services, which is a wonderful thing for us to be able to offer them.”

Press enquiries
For further information about Divio Technologies, please visit www.divio.com or contact CEO Jon Levin: jon.levin@divio.com 

The company’s Certified Adviser is FNCA Sweden AB: +46(0)8-528 00 399, info@fnca.se

About Divio Technologies
Divio Technologies AB (Publ) is the Cloud Management Software development group behind the Divio platform which simplifies cloud hosting, deployment and development via a PaaS solution. The platform allows large international companies to reduce costs, time to market and the burden on employees, as well as decreasing dependency on cloud vendors.