"Elephants in the Room"  Negotiating the emotions in Divorce workshop at national conference of Association of Divorce Financial Pllaners, September 2

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Negotiating the emotions in a divorce can be a difficult task for both the couple and the professionals involved.  Divorcing couples/parents today have choices that allow them to separate with dignity, civility, and a minimum of conflict, a process that leaves a legacy of collaboration and peace for their children.. 

However, even couples that choose a more peaceful divorce run into issues and feelings that boil beneath the surface and can suddenly raise the level of conflict.  Sometimes these issues and feelings lie quietly, unacknowledged but very damaging, and what starts as a process of cooperation, respect, and civility can be quickly become one of blame and grievance filled with hurt and pain. 

If not acknowledged and managed, these “elephants in the room” negatively impact the progress of the divorce process and at times create so much conflict that the process is prolonged or derailed.  When the conflict level in the divorce process escalates, children are at risk.

Dr. Elizabeth S. Thayer and Dr. Wendy Habelow, partners at Beacon Behavioral Services LLC, will be presenting a workshop entitled “The Elephants in the Room" at the annual conference of the Association of Divorce Financial Planners on Friday, September 24, 2010 in New York City. 

Dr. Thayer and Dr. Habelow are licensed clinical psychologists, certified mediators, and collaborative divorce professionals  ( coaches and child specialists) and serve a Special Master for the Connecticut Family Courts.  They have worked in the divorce area for many years, and train/supervise other professionals in techniques of working with family’s pre and post-divorce.

Beacon Behavioral Services is a multidisciplinary private mental health practice with three offices in the greater Hartford Connecticut area.  Dr. Thayer is cofounder of the PEACE Program, a nationally recognized divorce co-parenting program, and co authored The Co-Parenting Survival Guide:  Letting Go of Conflict After a Difficult Divorce and Adult Children of Divorce:   How to Overcome the Legacy of Your Parents’ Breakup and Enjoy Love, Trust, and Intimacy.  Dr. Thayer has appeared on the Today Show and on Anderson Cooper 360. 

The Association of Divorce Financial Planners is pleased to provide “Elephants in the Room” workshop at the annual conference held in New York City on September 24, 2010.


Anyone interested in learning more about the conference program including Dr. Thayer’s workshop should contact:

Association of Divorce Financial Planners
President,   Lili A. Vasileff, CFP®, CDFA™,
Telephone (203) 393-7200
Email address:   lvasileff@aol.com.
